May 05, 2005 11:54
I'm a bit confuzzled. I have to take a weekend off in the beginning of June so that i can go see my dad. I need to take the 29th of this month off so that i can see paulina(that sexy latina) with greg. I need the 25th off so that i can go to Juia's party(sweet 15 spanish thingy) for her cousin. I also need to learn how to dance from tiago, but i think he's mad at me. He has complete right to be that way. I was just getting used to hearing his voice though. It helps me know that he's okay. Now....i have no clue. I have to learn the salsa, bachatha, and mirenge. I'm confident in it. If i can't learn the dances, then i might have to cancel on Julia. I don't wanna embarris her. I have so many plans for the next 2 months that i feel like im pencilling people in. Is that bad? I have to make time to hang out with people and starting next week im gonna be going to work full time. Im not worried about brandon and people who live close by, but my hot mexican might feel neglected, and my logical robot stud muffin might not see me for a long time. Anyone else can seriously come see me at work but them 2 are the ones that im really worried about. Omg....i just noticed something. I've really cut down on my friends. I used to be racked with phone calls and party plans and people from all over would want to be my best friends. I'm so happy that i still have my 3 boys. Them 3 mean the world to me. Mainly Rick and Brandon, but Greg is up and coming and he has helped me in so many ways that i can't help but keep him in mind constantly. So i guess i've semi-lost Evan, Brandon C., Kady, and any other people i used to hang out with frequently. I just hope those people don't think that i hate them. I think i should be fine with Evan and Brandon C. Us 3 can not talk for months on end and then plan something really fun together. Then, when we talk, it feels like we've kept in touch the whole time. I like that about them. I guess life has gotten so much simpler in the past couple months. I don't feel like i need to report to my nazi sister and father. Instead i keep very good relations with both of them and all of this absence from them has seriously made my heart grow fonder. Ahh....*sigh*....i got the life. Im counting my blessings and moving foward. I felt so touched when greg said that he considers me one of his best friends. We really have come so far. Well....i gotta go and figure out some stuff about work. If anyone needs me, then they should all know that im just a phone call away.