Dec 02, 2010 21:56
I was at a Renaissance Faire that the family of a friend of mine set up. All the vendors were under a giant tent made of cream colored fabric, like muslin to stay in-period. My friend dressed me in a fairy-type outfit, but all I can remember was that I had a green flowy skirt on. I think I had those fake wings on too.
My friend came out of the dressing room and was wearing a frumpy blue flowery patterned dress that looked like something a woman would wear while working on a farm, and she matched the rest of her family. Not sure why this in the dream, but whatever. Dream logic! There were lots of tables set up and vendors selling things, especially racks and racks of clothing made for Renn Faires.
I went out back of all the vendors and saw that the family had built and set up this giant roller coaster. It was rickety and made of wood, but could carry probably 50 people on it in three giant cars. It was loud and wobbly and obviously not safe, and I watched as the cars started their way up the track. There were a lot of dangerously steep curves, and I watched in horror as the last three passengers suddenly ejected from their seats, sending them tumbling to the ground.
I disregarded the fact that the roller coaster was still running, but I ran toward the girl on the ground. I had to stop at some tracks as the coaster went past me, but two people from the roller coaster booth (where they stopped and started it) got to her first. They dragged her over the tracks back to the booth, and started CPR. They weren't at it for very long, and they declared her dead. She was pretty beat up and broken, arms and legs bent at awkward angles, but there wasn't any blood.
I started freaking out and trying to get someone to call 911 for the poor girl, but no one would. I ran over to my friend's mother who was watching, and all she did was get more people on the ride. Suddenly -poof-, there was another roller coaster in its place, like they had this one as back up. This one was different - instead of going around in loop-de-loops like the first one, this one just sent the car straight up in the air, made it go off the tracks, then it came back down backwards back onto the tracks.
I screamed that this one wasn't safer in any way, but no one listened to me.
Then I woke up.
roller coaster,