The first part of the dream was much longer than this, but all I remember is that I started out above a house on a hill and flew over a valley full of trees. It was around sunset, and I could see the horizon on all sides, with fields of crops all around me. I caught a huge air current and soared really, really high, then I dipped back down and followed a dirt road back into town. I was flying on huuuuuge green dragon wings, just like Erin. :3 They were really big, really long, and the membrane between the fingers was really thick. I remember them really vividly; it was awesome. Keep in mind that throughout this entire dream, even through changing between different "scenes," I had these wings the whole time.
I know there was more flying around this part, but I can't remember it .
In the next part, I was in a large grocery store with my mom, sister, and grandma. They were holed up somewhere hidden near the front of the store during a really bad snow storm. I was staked out near the back of the store, right next to the back door to the loading area. It was dark, like only half of the lights were working. I don't know why there weren't any other shopped in here, maybe they were in a different part of the store. I notice some movement outside, and my brain decided that there was a group of evil, mutant people after us and/or me. I go out the loading doors and see these guys in overalls that look like their delivering boxes of stuff into the store. It's the bad guys. They start after me, and I burst through the loading doors and try to fly towards the front of the store. I yell, "RUN!!!", but one of the bad guys grabs my leg and pulls me down. Somehow I get a pencil into my possession, and I proceed to stab the nearest bad guy in the chest with it multiple times. I guess the bad guys got scared, and they ran away.
Suddenly we were all safe in a random RV, with the snow still coming down outside. My grandma stood in the kitchen area chopping up vegetables. I ran around and made sure all the doors were locked and all the lights were shut off (I have NO idea how it got in my head that this was an RV - if it was, it was a HUGE RV). Around here we got into a conversation about my wings, how much they've grown, how far I could stretch them out. I found out that I could actually move my wings and the smaller appendages, which I've never encountered before. I reached around and grabbed one of my wings, and I bit onto it jokingly, but I couldn't feel anything.
Next, I was in a car with Spoony from
The Spoony Experiment and Linkara from
Atop the Fourth Wall. Spoony was driving, Linkara was in the passenger seat, and I was in the middle backseat. We had been driving for an hour or more over a really long bridge over the ocean. The bridge supposedly went from New York to England. The weird thing? I looked back when we hit the English border and I could plainly see New York's shore and buildings. Like it was only across a river. O_o
Anyway, we drove up a windy road into a few neighborhoods (that didn't look a thing like England, by the way. Looked more like San Fransisco to me) because we were going to see a friend of Spoony's. We eventually ended up back at the bay, where a bunch of naval reenactments were taking place. A bunch of tourists were gathered to watch. A boat exploded and a bunch of sailors bailed out, the crowd cheering the whole time. We ended up at a meeting for army officers, and we sat on top of a boat under a metal overhang for shade. A section of the boat's floor had been cut off to reveal the water underneath.
Somewhere during this time Linkara turned into Sean Fausz, the big guy from a few of Spoony's videos. We hung out with the army guys and gals for awhile, until a guy handed me a knife and said to cut away the seaweed under the boat. I swam around and hacked at the seaweed, and I stayed under for a pretty long time because, like in all my underwater dreams, I could breathe underwater as if I were breathing through my nose.
Once that was over, we hung out on this boat until way past the tourists and sailors and army people went home for the day, though it was still light outside. I was standing on a beam under the floor, with my chest and shoulders poking through a hole in the deck. Another person was there, I think it was my mom, and she was balancing on another beam on the floor of the boat. Spoony was sitting in front of me aways.
All four hobbits from Lord of the Rings suddenly showed up. Merry held a giant water gun looking thing, and he shot a clear chemical out of it onto the ceiling of the metal roofing above us. The ceiling was covered in mold, and the chemical made it die and disappear. Pippin had the same chemical, but he had it in a tiny plastic syringe. I'm not sure how he reloaded it after he shot it, but he didn't have very good aim. Pippin accidentally squirted my mom (or whoever it was) with the syringe, and the chemical burned her badly. I flapped my wings to pop myself out of the hole I was standing in, and yelled at Spoony, "We have to get her to the hospital!" Spoony said, "We can't! Sean has the car!" And that's when Sean pops up out of the water next to the boat, wearing a bright blue wetsuit. He said something I couldn't understand.
Next, I was at a family reunion. I only knew a few people there, the ones in my immediate family. It took place in a park with a lot of trees. One lady brought her baby daughter with her, and went down the hill to put her on the rope swing. I glided down the hill and started pushing the girl back and forth. The rope was really long with the tree branch really high, this matters later. I did an underdog and talked with her mother, but then turned around to watch at the swing went up and over the tree branch. I said "Aaacccckkk!!" and watched as the girl fell to the ground.
Here's the WTF Factor: She was the size and weight of a baby a little over than an infant, but she had the movements and speech of a 7 year old. Yeah, I don't know either.
I ran over and asked if she had landed on her back. She said no. I asked if she landed on her tailbone, and she said, "Thank you!" like she had forgotten the word. I picked her up and looked her over. She seemed fine, and I said to her, "You handled that very well."
And then the phone woke me up.