yes. Curtis and I went nuts in the best spontaneous convo either of us have ever had. I think I need a cigarette. I don't know if this will even make sense in the morning but Please keep in mind that we love all who are mentioned in our ranting. Or at least I do.
K: you'll agree with me on this
K: wouldn't being a nude model be the best job to tell your grandkids you had once when you were in college?
C: Only a straight out soft core porn star could be better
K: hahaha yes!
K: I am totally gonna try and find a job as a nude model for an art class
C: That would be sweet
C: I bet you it pays well too
K: steph was just telling me about how she had to draw this guy today in her art class
K: and I was like get me a job!!!
K: yeah! and I am so broke right now!
C: Seriously
C: That is freaking awesome
C: Wow, I went to the wrong college
K: hahaha
C: I wonder if they would take me as a nude model... you know cause I kinda have a small...
K: hahaha
K: Steph said today that they guy they had to draw was pierced
K: of course she said it like steph would say it:
C: So conservative
C: Did you ask about his junk?
K: it was awkward.... he was... well, PIERCED
K: hahahaha no I forgot to
K: I was caught up in the idea of doing being a model myself
K: it took so long to convince her that I was serious
C: that would be sweet
C: You better watch out though
C: Those pictures can get around
K: hahaha hey I don't go to school at Tufts so they likely hood that I would know/ ever have to converse with the kids again is slim
K: and when I am famous out in hollywood I will just be straight up about it
C: Yeah, and all over the celebrity porn websites
K: I was broke and knew that I wasn't gonna get any better looking in my life...
C: At least you'll be famous
K: right
K: and it will be sketches or paintings
C: You know, this is probably the best conversation I have ever had
K: not tasteless video (a la Paris)
K: hahaha
C: So we won't have any of Farley does France
C: that just doesn't have the same ring as Debbie Does Dallas
K: hahaha I meant Paris as in Hilton
K: though no you won't see any French porn staring me either
C: Remember, there is always soft core
K: hahahaha
C: You can ease your way into hard core
K: I think I will wait until I have nude model securely under my belt
K: *except I won't be wearing one!
K: oh
K: hahahaha
C: Marvelous
K: mwahahahahahha
K: what WILL the town of Pembroke think of me now?
C: Males or females?
K: hahahaha TRUE
C: they could have two very different views
K: very true
K: hahaha
K: I think Cristy might actually be forced to stop talking to me by her school that doesn't even let her dance
C: Seriously?
K: seriously.
K: I would die at that school.
C: I think we all would
C: I think we all would
C: So if you are going to piss Cristy off, do it right
C: Get nude and than dance
K: no I don't want to piss her off
K: but I think her school wouldn't let us be friends because they are INSANE
K: ahahahaha
K: I am now thinking of how awkward it is for a nude person to dance
C: Whatever, life without streaking is like fries without ketchup. It just ain't good
C: Depends whether it is lap dancing or ballet dancing
K: true
K: I was thinking more "kati-dancing" which involves being the worst at following directions and holding rhythms (esp. in hip-hop dance class)
K: and lap dancing naked isn't dancing curtis
K: that's just plain humping
C: Thanks for clearing that up
C: and giving me an away message
K: hahaha just wanted to make sure we were on the same page
K: hahahaha! YES
K: I am infamous now
C: One way to change that...
C: As we have discussed above
K: ?
C: Getting nude
C: Doing porn
K: ohhh right
K: hahah
C: Look, now you are staring to act like a ditz
C: A prerequisite for becoming a porn star
K: oh no!
K: hahaha
K: well on my E! true hollywood story you can be like yeah I knew here before she was a porn star
K: but she was totally showing the signs
K: and *emotional pause* I admit I may have encouraged her behavior at times *commercial break*
K: this really is the best conversation ever...
C: Agreed
C: Know what else is great, the only other conversation I have going on right now is about strip bars
K: hahahhaha
C: Strip bars, porn, and becoming a nude model. Who says life is hard?
K: life is one big toga party with out the toga
K: *s
C: That's my new quote to live by
K: YES!!
K: learn it live it love it
C: we talking about the saying or porn
C: I'm getting confused
K: the saying
C: Oh yeah
K: yeah I am totally excited and I hope that this job actually works out
K: if not I am gonna trot myself over to Mass Art and be like "HIRE ME!"
K: and proceed to rip my clothes off of course
C: Let me know if they have an opening for me
K: okay sweet!
C: I'm still laughing just picturing Steph looking at a naked guy
K: hahahaha
K: seriously
K: I loved the way she told me about it
C: So I hear you like to draw naked guys now?
Auto response from S: soooo ready for the weekend!!!
hey who wants to finish my homework? is that a no? ...damn.:-P
C: College, it gets everybody
C: She'll be really pissed off at me
K: hahahaha
C: I am thinking about saying something about her being overly promiscuous but I don't think she would ever talk to me again
K: no probably me because I told you!
C: Oh..
C: Good point
C: I'll hold off then
K: k cool hahahhaa
C: Alright, well I got loads of work
C: So I'm going to go
C: Thanks for the conversation
K: no prob we should do this more often
K: hahaha the conversation that is
C: LOl
K: rock on man I will talk to you later
C: C-ya
okay but not really