Mar 08, 2005 15:38
well idk if i should be doing this..i mean it goes against what i originally thought of live journal...what bothers me is that ..if you want to know what i'm thinking or what i am doing talk to me..why should i have a live journal..i mean if you care enough then you'll ask me right..if not then your not my friend or your not important and i don't why am i doing this..i really don't know..its taken me a week to write this first entry..and idk how often i'll update or how interesting it will be..i'll tell you now that if i do update it's not gonna be some boring shit like for example-today i ate breakfast..then i took a i'm going to kill myself cause I HAVE NO LIFE-i promise i won't waste my time or yours by posting that shit..i think maybe i'm doing this because..when i go to college i won't be able to update those who are close to me on a daily basis and maybe this way they'll know the general events of my life and..if they're curious enough..they'll ask for details..i figured if i start one now i can get everyone used to the idea that yes..whats in my head is being ..i am officially a live journal user and a hypocryt love you all