stolen (w/ permission) from katies journal.

Jan 19, 2005 14:07

i thought this would help people on my friends list who r not on katies. feel free to pass it on to anyone u think might need it. i think its fantastic:

Cupid and such...
So, valentines day is just around the corner. And if you’re any sort of man, you should ALREADY BE PREPARING!! It’s kinda come to my attention that several of my female friends aren’t getting their fair share of anything romantic. So I’ve decided to go all advice column like and make a handy dandy guide to surviving and getting some love yourself on Valentines day.

First, keep in mind it’s nice to receive something at work. Not only can that indicate you’re going out of your way to be romantic, but all your co-workers get to see what an incredible guy you have, and get jealous. It always puts a girl in a good and very affectionate mood when they know someone is envious of their man. Even put it in a place that would completely catch her off guard, hide something in her car! What a great way to start the day.

Now...another thing to put your beloved in the best mode? Care packages. What is better than a WHOLE BOX full of goodies? I personally haven’t even gotten one - but I’m still hoping that that day will come. And boy - I know I’d certainly repay a care package sender quite well. This I’m sure leads you to wonder...what on earth would I put in a care package....?

1) Build a Bear, no matter how old a woman is, sometimes a little stuffed animal is just a fun thing. On top of it, this is a place where you HAVE TO MAKE IT. That puts automatic thought into it, without truely putting in much effort.

2) “The Notebook” comes out on DVD Feb. 8th. It’s probably the most romantic film that’s been made recently. I highly recommend it, go to Walmart the first couple days of release and it’s a decent price too.

3) Nothing makes a girl feel more like a princess than pampering her with yummy smelling stuff. Bath and body works has their huge annual sale going on right now, and they always have other deals, buy 4 get two things free is the current one.

4) BUY A CARD! Sounds simple and cliche, right? But it adds a nice little touch to it. Make it pretty and romantic!! Then write something nice, tell her you light up her world and you don’t ever wanna face the dark again. Be cheesy! Sometime’s it’s nice.

5) Make coupons! Get a couple little pieces of paper and write a few things on there that you know she loves. Thoughtful, cheap, and she’ll LOVE it. Especially things like “One Load of Laundry” and “20 Minute Foot Rub.” This, again, will bring her into “Feeling like a Princess” mode.

*Subliminal Message* Happy girls have better sex.*

6) Flowers. Always nice, classic, they smell good, it doesn’t even have to be roses either. Pink and red carnations are just as pretty too, especially when roses get super expensive in Feb. Get carnations, and use the cash you saved to get the 5 things listed above. ( has some beautiful valentine bouquets this month.)

7) Get her a romantic book. There’s poetry, and books that talk about romance, things to do, and try, etc. Maybe even a Chicken Soup book. Maybe she’s into other authors, get her one you know she wants! Works just as well, cause it mean’s you pay attention to what and who she likes to read.

8) Candles! One’s that smell good, big ones, little ones, whatever. Little ones can go in the bathroom for a bubble bath, big ones can go somewhere too. Make sure to include bubblebath and a scrubby thing!

9) Sex toys - ones that are fun for her. I promise, if she’s having fun, I bet you are too.

10) Finally, jewelry is always a nice thing. You’d be surprised at some of the deals you can find if you know where to look. Some of the best jewelry websites are as follows (acn, hsn, and vvtv are my fav’s, overstock has nice looking things/prices too and GREAT shipping prices, but I can’t say their stuff is 100% fantastic as I’ve never ordered jewelry off there):

Now, go out there and make those special women in your lives the HAPPIEST, MOST SPECIAL ladies in the world!

And, as one last piece of advance, if you're a completely horrible shopper...a gift certificate fits in that card I mentioned above nicely. No wrapping involved, either.

Happy Pre-Valentines <3
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