Jun 07, 2005 18:10
with a little help from my mom, i have come to the realization that i am a complete and total bitch. i have turned into everything i never wanted to be. or maybe i did want to. i always got stepped on by people when i was younger, and admired those who had the power to at least stand up for themselves. unfortunately, when you want something like a little power, your life turns into a giant pendulum. you go from swinging in one extreme direction to the complete opposite direction once you pull on the pendulum. and it takes a LONG time to find balance and let that pendulum settle to a stable middle ground. so i basically went from being meek and timid, but at least nice, to some crazy monster who only thinks about HER needs and nobody else's. i am a selfish bitch.
i wonder how much time it takes for a pendulum to stop swinging once it's been pulled on.