Jun 15, 2004 14:23
Ok...got some food in me...
And while taking a break for lunch, I got a call from J.; seems like the family spats have extended to other relatives in the family too. I tried to stay as neutral as possible, which is my way of not getting involved emotionally with her problems, but providing a vent for her. I've given up trying to be peacemaker or reasoning with her, and granted, some of the complaining is justifiable, but I've also learned that she thrives on this chaos. For her, it is part of her reason for being.
Once I got done listening to her vent, I told her I needed to eat, and get some things done. She's gonna stop over later to have me smell something she's been searching for for some time...probably some candle she's found. But ok, that's a good thing. I like nice smelling stuff.
After I got done eating (chicken and cheese on wheat), I tackled Social Security... Spend 10 minutes on hold to talk to a Human Being for all of maybe 5 minutes, and be told I need papers from CSB or Court or preferably both, and I need to go to our local office to get the ball rolling on Ari's SSI again. Can't do that until everything is official on the 22nd of June.
Got back online after that was done; tomorrow I have to call the school board and get bus transport arranged for next year's schooling. I'd like to keep her at Ridgeview, but she may have to go back to Saybrook due to bus scheduling.
I also have minor things around the house to do, but they are nothing major that must be addressed immediately. They will be gotten to.
Mac is working a double-shift today, and he will be weightlifting tonight....come in tonight, and do another double-shift tomorrow. He's working himself to death to get caught up with finances. I warned him not to push himself like my girlfriends husband did, right into a heart-attack....He too was working himself to death over finances... *sigh*
Well, anyway....I"ve rambled on....managed to put my foot in my mouth once today...and over all...it's been a pretty good day.... lol.