Jun 12, 2004 16:27
Last night, my computer mouse died. It would not roll to the extreme right except for irratically; tried to open the little rotating disk where the ball is located, but it would not turn what-so-ever. Even with Mac, the turn-disk where the ball is located still refused to budge. There was screw in the bottem of the mouse, so Mac opened that, and blew a hell of a lot of dust out of it. It still wasn't rolling real well, so making inquiries of Braum and Kirwan, I chose to buy a new one. I am enjoying my new optical mouse. :)
Went out to see Ari today. For some reason, this time, they wouldn't let Mac come in like he did last time. Don't know why, and nothing was explained, but ok...no heartburn over it.
Ari looked good; very happy to see me and she looked good. I explained about the medical card to her and she understood. I have to call YDC Monday between 7:00a.m. and 3:00p.m. and speak to 'Mr. Jim' and explain that her medical card was cancelled in May by CSB, but am in the process of recieving paperwork to reapply. I also have to go get yet another copy of our birth certificates and send in a copy with the new app. According to Ari, her CaseManager, Ramona Mailey, from CCC, has told Ari she's definately coming home. We discussed this aspect, and Ari has assured me she's turned over a new leaf. I am sceptical, but ok...I"ll give her an even break to prove herself. Since she *is* coming home, I just want things settled and organized.... Ari was delighted to learn that I now also have a 'CaseManager', so suggested all 4 of us could go out and do activities together....That's the idea...work together and interact and practice the skills she needs to work into Society interaction. She is all excited that she will be 'an official teenager' on her birthday on the 27th of June. If things go right, she should be celebrating her 13th birthday at home.
Went to K-Mart after seeing Ari. Jeans are non-existant for me. 38" waist and a 27-29" length. Even in the men's department, I am no better off. I guess I will have to do without jeans for a while... Or buy them to fit in the waist and get them altered to length. IF I can find someone who does alterations.
However, I did find my mouse and a new mouse-pad, among other things. After that, it was home to cook porkchops and make fried potatoes and onions. The porkchops remained frozen, so supper is currently on 'hold'.
Been online with Braum, and Han Solo, so far today... Hoping I can chat with others, later.