OMG monster post!

Oct 17, 2010 20:27

My entry for levitt20in20 round 03.



On Set
Text Only

One Color
Burning Dan



5 ARTIST'S CHOICE - Joe and his Guitars

Arist's Choice #1
Arist's Choice #2
Arist's Choice #3
Arist's Choice #4
Arist's Choice #5

Credits for icon textures: peak77 , xgraphicjunkie , mellowmint and piemin.

Gosh you won't believe how much I love these :)
The fact that I've made 60 something icons for 20 icons challenge, suggests I really really enjoyed making each and every one of them.

Notes from the maker

On Set - It's the lamest really, sky texture?! LOL But I love how tranquil it came out. It has a "You can do anything you imagine" feel to it.
Name - The image pushed me towards incorporating into the icon cause that's what Joe does with most of his time, as you know:) It looks like a nice link-back button. LOL Also the fastest one from start to finish.
Three - I represented the number three with three JGL instances. Everything else was added for it to look more interesting. With the text I relate to the photo shoot it came from, of course. And the kissy lips - self explanatory (plus red lipstick, Lexy Hulme...).
Sideways - One of the last ones I made, one of the first ones I started with (see alt.). The final result came out pretty original cause of the color fix, and though the image is precisely(90 degrees) sideways, the textures add a floaty, skewed air to the icon and it came out so well :)
Text Only - It was hard, but I chose what Arthur had said in Inception (Helicopter scene). It sounds very philosophical, like this, so I made it look like it as well :) The stock is kinda abstract and relates to inspiration in art, which moves me. Also it's quite old school style of mine, really airy positioning, on dark earthy colors.
One Color - After ditching the pink in Artist's Choice #2, I had to stick it somewhere, right?! And this came out exactly like I hoped my one color icon would. It's more of a "Main Color", but I think it conforms to the rules. Anyway, the alt. are Radiohead's Bulletproof (I wish I was...) lyrics, and keep calm variations which make me laugh. Kinda suits Faceless theme as well. LOL
Silly - This is so adorable, so so adorable, I had to make an icon from it. It kinda suits On Set theme as well. Uncertainty movie set.
Faceless - After wanting to kill myself when I realized there's not a single image where JGL is turned away from the camera is going to work for me, I converted the Dramatic themed icon into my Faceless! It came out really soulful and sad. Stare at it and weep... But wait - that's what the Dramatic is for :)
Dramatic - My baby, my pride and joy. Really I'm so amazed at how it came out, thank god for fuck yeah joseph gordon levitt on tumblr where I've found this image. Just Brilliant, got my creative juices overflowing right away.
Burning Dan - This is a great idea to pay tribute to Joe's first superhero. This is so not my style, but after trying to make something more sophisticated out of it, I just stripped it down to the basics, and that what worked best. Brotherly love. Rest in peace, Dan.

Couple #1 - this image is so ridiculously romantic and intimate, I had to make an icon. The clean version is in the alt. section. Uncertainty movie set.
Couple #2 - Inspired by Sandi's icons. The background is part of the original image. Also the alt. for it. It came out so fresh and sweet.
Couple #3 - That's our Morgan M. Morgensen and Destiny, reversed LOL. Well actually Joe Gordon-Levitt and Lexy Hulme, the beau... View Morgan and Destiny's Eleventeenth Date: The Zeppelin Zoo and prepare you dictionary :)
Couple #4 - The first couples' icon I made. This one fatures the same image in different rotations. I loved the texture I found for it (see alt. to picture me dragging the huge texture over the 100x100 icon in Darken mode :)
Couple #5 - Colorful and innocent like first love, this is me completing the set and mixing all the techniques used in the other 4 icons, together.

AC#1 - The cap is from the movie Uncertainty, this is like AC#3 but serious. I really love how it came out, with that strange border and funky lighting texture, even though as I said it's supposed to be serious... LOL I love color, Siesta!
AC#2 - I had to make one with the air guitar, I mean - come on! I really love all the alt. versions that came out of it. I chose the B&W in the end because something in the way it looks is just more documentary than the pink versions. I love it.
AC#3 - The first one of the set I started making. The cap was made by me from this clip (Uncertainty movie set goofs). This is what pure joy looks like...
I actually prefer the alt. one where the guitar doesn't show (same coloring) but this one complements my theme :)
AC#4 - Well, the funny thing with this icon is that the coloring and texturing turned out so perfect that I had to include this version, even though the guitar is almost obstructed. But this is a famous image of Joe, so I'm sure many of you will fill that in :) You got to stare a bit to appreciate the subtle effects, I know it's hard among the crazy colors..
AC#5 - This is from Summer in the City gala for, where Joe performed a few songs. This is pretty fun image, was fun to mess with. I messed with this A LOT in order to get rid of the sea of red colors in the original image, but the final texture mix and blending styles got me this super-funky colored icon (with lots of warm and ed anyway hahaha).


Alt. #1
Alt. #2
Alt. #3
Alt. #4
Alt. #5

Alt. #6
Alt. #7
Alt. #8
Alt. #9
Alt. #10

Alt. #11
Alt. #12
Alt. #13
Alt. #14
Alt. #15

Alt. #16
Alt. #17
Alt. #18
Alt. #19
Alt. #20

Alt. #21
Alt. #22
Alt. #23
Alt. #24
Alt. #25

Alt. #26
Alt. #27
Alt. #28
Alt. #29
Alt. #30


Extra. #1
Extra. #2
Extra. #3
Extra. #4
Extra. #5

Extra. #6
Extra. #7
Extra. #8
Extra. #9
Extra. #10

Extra. #11
Extra. #12
Extra. #13
Extra. #14
Extra. #15

Notes from the maker(ALT and EXTRA)

Alt. #5 Radiohead, cause the texture actually looks like holes in the icon.
Alt. #6 Inception
Alt. #9 Funky background which felt a little psychodelic for the contest...
Alt. #10 I hate Blocking, but this came out okay LOL
Alt. #11 Full color
Alt. #13 The clean version
Alt. #14 The background is actually her dress in the large image.
Alt. #17 Too funky colored for the contest?... I thought that the purple tinted is best for that, but I like this one :)
Alt. #22 Typical :)
Alt. #23 Radiohead's Anyone can play Guitar, with added "imaginary", cause the word "air" didn't fit quite right...
Alt. #24 Using Punk Rock ALL STAR sign parody.
Alt. #26 Color burst!
Alt. #27 This image is good for anything, really.
Alt. #29 A Quote from (500) Days Of Summer (Karaoke Bar Scene).

Extra. #1-5 HitRecord averageJoe avatar from some time ago. (Didn't make it into the Guitar collection)
Extra. #4-5 Retro yummmy!
Extra. #6-7 Had to stick the stick man with Joe! (Didn't make it into the Guitar collection)
Extra. #8-9 Guitar T-shirt... (Didn't make it into the Guitar collection)
Extra. #11 Mysterious Skin still. Didn't make it to Dramatic theme.
Extra. #12-13 Zeppelin Zoo screenshot
Extra. #14 First one I meant to do for the Sideways theme, but it was dropped. I like this image a lot, but it doesn't look like Joe with this resize scale...

*credit if used
*comment if liked
*hotlink and die

achievement, fanatic, blending

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