Rising from the Live Journal grave!

Jan 07, 2010 00:02

Ok, let's give the old "New Year's resolution to do Live Journal more" thing another try. So, by my count, it's been just over nine months since I last wrote something. Wow, we could have had a baby in that time. We didn't. But, Deb did! She's absolutely perfect! So, Michelle and I live in Waterville, now. She got a job up here, and it was too far to commute from Kennebunk. It's quite exciting to be on our own, but frightening to have to support our selves. I'm still trying to find a job. Ah for the old days, when I just had to go to class, go to rehearsal, and post on lj. Well, I guess we all have to get older some time. It's also sad to have to leave all the new friends we made in the K-bunk area over the last year and a half, but hopefully we'll get to see them often. Especially the coven we joined a month before we moved. That kind of sucked. But they're all great people, and really good friends, so I'm sure we'll stay in touch, at least over Facebook. Ok, the Colbert Report is over, and it's time for me to go to bed, so I'll end here. Maybe I'll post again tomorrow!
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