(no subject)

Jan 03, 2008 02:27

You Know Your States

You got 7/10 correct.

You've got a pretty good handle on US geography.
There's a good chance you've visited at least a dozen of the fifty states.
How Well Do You Know Your States?

What? I got lower than Michelle?

Anyway, happy new year. It's late and I'm sleepy, which makes me a bit groggy, so this post may be a little incoerent at times. (For example, when I wrote that sentence the first time, I wrote "so this email") I'm typing it kind of slowly, so feel free to read it slowly, if you wish. or not, I don't care. Christmas was nice. I might do an annual present wrap-up (ha, accidental humor) some other time. I dont really have the energy to go look through everything and remember what I got. I remember that there's a neat little teapot thing that has a strainer, and you put the teabags in and pout the water over them, and it makes a mini pot of tea for you. I can't wait for Michelle to bring the kettle she got back so I can try it out. And Harry Potter, and Happy Feet, and the Muppet SHow season one. And next week some time Mom is taking me to buy me a microphone for my computer and a new mouse. We did Christmas Eve at Mom and Dad's house, again, and Dad's boss came by with his young daughter Chloe and infant son Caleb who are both quite possibly the most adorable children ever. Caleb was very mellow, he just sat there and got passed around without flinching. He smiled a couple times, but mostly just kept a very straight face while he took in all the new people. He's a new year baby, so he just turned one year old on the first. Well, they didn't stay too long, but I did get to hold the baby, so I could make Michelle jealous, since she wasn't there. Then we went to the lake, to my grandmother's house on CHristmas, for dinner. My uncle and aunt had had t-shirts made up for everyone. See my family has a habit of teasing my grandmother, and when they do, she always says "you people don't know," or "you people think you're so smart," or "you people..." So, they got shirts that say "you people" on the back, and in a bunch of different languages on the front. So of coure we all had to have our picture take with them on, both from the front and the back. Grandma's boyfriend was there, too (that's a wierd thing to write) and he even had one. It was a hoot. Then, I pretty much hung around the house until New Year's Eve, when I went with my parents to our friend Dave's house for his annual New Year's Eve party/excuse to stuff yourself full of the biggest portions of the most food ever. We started with crackers and a homemade cheese ball, then had fresh onion soup with home made croutons, and finished with huge slabs of a prime rib roast that was bigger than my head and potatoes. I think I'm still digesting it all. And then we sat around and talked until the ball dropped, and we went home. And now my life has been a long blur of not getting up before 10 and not going to bed before 4. *sigh* I need to get my sleep pattern more regular before classes start, again. And, on top of all that, I'm trying to find another job, so I can start making a little more money. I don't want to join the real world. Ok, I'm going to go to bed. Maybe tomorrow I'll post again and clear up some of the harder to understand things I said in this one. Good night.
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