моя проблема

Feb 15, 2010 00:53

"We talk about our new lives in the new year, but what if your old life haunts you in the most disgusting way possible? What if you come home with your new life food and you open your old life refrigerator drawer and it has old life rotten cucumber from the first week of september in it and old life (but newly discovered) mold life form growing everywhere with HAIR on it. Where do you put your new life cucumber now?????? And what if you go grab some new life paper towel and old life cleaning supplies and try to remove the old life cucmber and it leaks on your new life laundry day washed pants and you try to grab a tide to go stick but you cant find it because of your new life clean room??? And the life form is there to stay and no amount of lysol will remove that empire of mold???? What if you put the new life cucumber on the shelf and close the drawer and go to smoke an old life/new life benson and hedges silver menthol cigarette to reconcile this whole mess?"

- kateismagic
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