the latest DW code push

Oct 07, 2009 10:46

WOOHOO, UNDERLINES ARE GONE! *dance* \o/ Although I've been staring at them for so long that site-schemed pages almost look weird without them now, lol *facepalm*

And my color theme is live on the site *_* OH MY GOD IT'S SO WEIRD. But if you're reading this from Dreamwidth and you like pink, you should be able to set your journal to Bases - Strawberry Sundae now :D There's been some trouble with the color of the header due to a minor bug, but we're getting that worked out, so I don't expect much of anything will change.

as;fkjdf;lsh I- I'm really excited by this. ; A ; I actually helped! Kind of! Sort of! It's a neat feeling to actually have something I can do for the site even though I'm not a programmer or anything. And yeah, I know DW also trains non-coders who want to get involved, but I'm way too flighty for that

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dreamwidth, omg squee!!!

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