For those of you who can read Japanese,
this here is an interesting little article about an American serviceman who visited Hiroshima for the anniversary this year. Apparently it was his first time seeing the city in 64 years, as he hadn't been back once since the war.
A quote that struck me:
(flying over Hiroshima as they left Japan)原爆ドームが目に入ったが他には何も見えず、ドームだけが強いイメージで残っている。機内の者は誰一人しゃべることなく、全く交戦の経験がない彼は「戦争は地獄であり、馬鹿げたものである」と考え“初めて戦争を目の当たりにした”という思いは忘れられない…と言う。
And in English:The Atomic Bomb Dome came into sight, but he couldn't see anything else, and the impression of that dome alone is what remains strongly imprinted on his memory. Not a single word was spoken among the people on the plane. He'd had no experience of battle before at all -- he thought to himself that war was not only hell, but ridiculous; he explained that he could never forget the feeling of "seeing war before my eyes for the first time."
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