i think it's a release of manga with drama cd as furoku...? =_= HOSHIIIIIIIIIIII~~!!!!!
六合鴇時:福山潤 (fukujun)
篠ノ女紺:遊佐浩二 (Yusa Kouji)
朽葉:朴ロ美(ロ=王辺に路) (paku-san)
梵天:諏訪部順一 (be-san)
銀朱:鈴村健一 (suzuken..)
i want the previous drama cds too... but didnt know if anyone had them *goes look in aarin* i like the art ne, seems to look good :3 hope ppl will share it... someday... xD;;;
edit: hmm... none in aarin... maybe i'll do a request for it some time @_@