there's this guy called Shimazaki Nobunaga (島﨑信長)...

Jul 28, 2013 18:48

who is so cute he makes my brain melt when i hear him (in blcds) <-oi

brief summary:

in person he can go high tension when talking, fun, seems quite tennen, and is actually rather chuuni but also sawayaka and is a rather romantic person, and looks nice =)

voice-wise he has a higher voice, can sound like MY fukuyama junjun, but also has a nice mid-low range, just shounen voice in general

acting-wise he still has a long way to go, not saying he is bad, but needs more variation

conclusion (?)

he melts my brain (in blcds) with his natural cuteness (not the miyata or shouta type) and and and you just melt hearing him play those characters even though you can tell his acting skills might be limited to those type of characters but it actually no longer matters because... because... because you are melting anyway.

he's actually not bad or anything it's just my own bad habit of pointing out the negative sides of things and people even if i like them a lot. its just that i hope they can change that point and then they will be one step closer to perfect <--muri dashi

anyway thats about what i wanted to say cus the other night when i listened to 'kokoro no kakurega' (hatano wataru x shimazaki nobunaga) i basically died, even if there was no karami scenes (there were, no worries) but what was that character that nobunaga played?! why so cute?! (wataru was funny too, plus he spoke kyuushu dialect, which was another moe point!!!) thats how seiyuus kill people.....

drama cd, seiyuu, seiyuu: hatano wataru, bl, seiyuu: shimazaki nobunaga

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