3rd seiyuu awards...

Mar 06, 2009 00:02

2ch news...


if it's real...

i dunno why im never honestly happy when the ones i like get these kinds of awards

im prolly... abnormal. well, i know i am =/

but. kamiyan... doesnt need these kind of cheap popularity awards to recognize his hard work. he is good, he knows it, the industry know it, we know it, those who care know. that's all it matters. he's long been recognized in so many other ways, BETTER ways; who needs to be recognized by these commercial-based awards just to boost sales. heh.

(plus, it'd only mean that my wallet's gonna have a SUPER diet this coming year >_>)

but if it's true, omedetou kamiya-san, hontou ni yokatta desu =w= demo kamiyan wa kamiyan no mama de ii~

p.s. did jun do a lot of radios again? neways i've been missing out XD neway... im rather happy with this year's results actually, other than not REALLY agree-ing with the radio personality award AND THAT SINGING AWARD. really... if megumi-chan gets that award, then NANA deserves it every year. well she does, lol. meh. if not for kanno youko+macross f, i say megumi-chan is not gonna get it >w> well, it's prolly the same for many other seiyuu-san, if not for a really good role+anime=opportunity, they'd prolly not be able to show how GOOD they can be. but... i dun think she did particularly well (at singing) in mf anyway. perhaps cuz may'n was too good, hoho.

p.p.s. as many other fans said, mouse and sigma7 ppl didnt get nething at all =/ are they at bad terms with the awards' sponsors?? ESP. sigma7??? like c'MON if not yocchin, doesnt NIKU at least deserve something?? and LOOKING at these award "winners," it's natsume+gundam+MACROSS FRONTIER cast! niku is main enuf in MF alone, not to mention his strangely (?) popular+important role in g00, and... well, as tomoya alone... i think he deserves something. ok, maybe im just biased. maybe i just die from hearing his voice >w> but.... maa.... sigma7, improve ur inter-company relationships PLEASE. PLEASE. your damn talented seiyuu-san deserve some more public recognition, even if the recognition is money-based, totally commercial, shallow and cheap.

seiyuu: kamiya hiroshi

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