So, OMG, today has been an awesome day

Jun 10, 2009 21:16

Despite my two nerve-frazzling and extreme-stress-inducing exams. :)

Psych went really well, I'm really happy with how I did. A few... uhm... slightly bullshitted answers, but I answered everything, so, I'm pleased. Chem wasn't great, but hell, it's CHEM, and the girl who wants a 50 thought it was bad, so you know what, I'm not too worried. :)

Then I went to afternoon tea with two good friends of mine. They made me a chocolate slice because they know I don't like chocolate cake. ^_^; It ended up more like a biscuit, because they cooked it too long, but they also had soup for me for lunch, because I'd just gotten out of my exam, and they'd bought a really nice orange and almond cake, which was really nice. And they sung me happy birthday like, five times, and lit candles and it was just so sweet, and omg I love my friends. ♥

Anyway, so then after one friend went home, me and my other friend, who I've known for almost ten years now, we had a little geeky chat about rowing, and and, you have no idea how good it is to have a rowing chat with a rower, omg, seriously, you forget how much more understanding and into it they get because they get it. ^_^

And then I came home to two envelopes, one from Auntie Helen (Dad's sister) and her family, and one from my Nanna (Dad's mum). Both contained birthday cards, and cheques. Auntie Helen gave me $100, and Nanna gave me $150. OMG. I've never had so much money in my life. Auntie Barb and Nanny (Mum's sister and mum) came over too. I got perfume from Jacque (my cousin) and Barb (wtf. I'm sorry, but seriously. Have they met me?), and Nanny gave me $50 cash. YAY CASH. I always feel apprehensive accessing my bank account, which is good for keeping my bank account, well, with money, but bad if you actually want to buy shit. Cash is good. I can do shit with cash. /shot

My mum and dad got me an iPod docking station, which is also an alarm clock and radio. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥! YAY IPOD SPEAKERS! We're thinking of putting all my new musics onto the crappy old silver iPod I never use that has shithouse battery life, so then I always have music there and don't have to worry about killing the battery life of my pretty red nano that I got for LAST YEAR'S BIRTHDAY.

My dad picked my present. I love him. He sure knows the way to a girl's heart. ♥♥♥ I am so so so so SO much my father's daughter. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Anyway, yeah, so, that was my day. I have the GAT (General Achievement Test. It's a standardised test for all you non Australians, which I just realised was like, my ENTIRE f-list) tomorrow, but you can't study for that, so I'm just hanging out and relaxing because OHMYGOD EXAMS ARE OVER. NO MORE STRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

exams, family, psychology, ipod nano, ipod, rowing, , cass is a freak, friends, i love you, my birthday, chemistry, cass' day

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