-cough- I totelli meant to post this yesterday. >.>

Jul 04, 2008 19:45

...anyway, yeah. XDD

I’m actually not so bad about this internet thing anymore. I’ve come to an acceptance stage. Which is good! I’ve done lots of reading, and tomorrow (cough today) I’ll make a start on that holiday homework.

Aren’t I a good girl? ^_^

ZOMG my bestie has a crush on one of my pseudo-brothers. She’s so cute. ZOMG. When she told me, I was totally about to squee. Except that I didn’t. I couldn’t stop telling her it was cute though. BUT SERIOUSLY.

She hasn’t had a crush (to the best of my knowledge) since primary school. I’m really happy for her. Even though... I’m not sure if it’ll work. He doesn’t think of her like that. -sighs- and they never see each other. But it’s nice that she’s growing up. I always feel so mature next to her sometimes, and it makes me sad. I mean, nine months between me and her - it’s never been a difference, you know? We’ve always been Cass and Bee, best friends, meant-to-be-twins. Couldn’t have one without the other, you know? Wow... I’m a package deal with all the people I’m close to. That’s kinda weird. You don’t just get me, you get my friends! ._.


So it kinda made it hard when I started growing up and she was still... immature. -sighs- and she totally didn’t get my crush on J. She kept telling me he was a prick, and a bastard, and that he wasn’t what I thought, and she never really supported it... I suppose she was just being protective, after all, we both knew he wasn’t interested in me and really, he was a bastard and a prick, and I knew that... hey wait, does that make me a bad friend for not looking out for her like she looked out for me?

-sighs- Anyway, so I think this internet thing is actually good. I can start being less dependent. ^_^

I took my blazer in to get embroidered yesterday too!! :) It’s going to be about two weeks til I get it back, so I won’t have it when school starts. But who gives a fuck, because it’s ALL PE UNIFORM FROM NOW ON BABY!!!!! Rowing is starting up, and I’m totally PSYCHED!!!!! :D I can’t wait. First week is just cross-training, but second week is weights and cross-training, and THIRD WEEK BACK OMG IN THE BOAT!!!!!!!! I’m totally excited, can’t wait can’t wait can’t wait!!!!!!!!!!!

And then fourth week back sculling starts. I can’t wait for that either - sculling = love. Like, seriously.

Prepare to see many more posts going “ZOMG ROWING LOVE” and “AHHH MY HANDS” and “OMG MY MUSCLES I WANNA DIE”, lol.

Did I say that I’m looking into tertiary education in the states? My mum’s being really supportive of it too, which is really good. We’re getting me a tutor for maths, so that I can get my Methods grade up. She wants me to go via the scholarship route, and I’m not sure I’m quite that smart, but whatevs.

I’m also looking into Lightweight Rowing programs (yeah, the rowing stuff isn’t over, sorry, hahah); it’s easier for someone in my height range to do lightweights, but I’m over sixty fucking kilos. -sighs- If I want to do it, I’m going to have to lose some weight. Mum thinks if we got a dietician to look at it, so that I’m still eating properly for the training I’ll be doing, then it’ll be okay.

The thing is, school girl rowing is done at heavyweight class. So... it’s hard. The muscle I build easily puts me over sixty kilos, but my power is what makes me a good rower, because it certainly isn’t my height... lol.

Oh, I put up more pics on photobucket! -is total photo whore- There are a few of my crew rowing, from way back in March - I wanted to show all my online friends us racing, but it’s hard to get a feel without the vid showing exactly how fast we’re going. Still, it’s better than nothing.

And I also had two pics of myself I felt like sharing. :) They’re side on, of me with my hair in a high ponytail. I really like them, because they show my face nicely. ^_^

Wow, I’m a bit rambly today. :P

Looking over this post, I realise that I’m more excited about rowing than the Formal. Hahah... PAIN IN MY FUCKING ASS. >.< Seriously. I should have just boycotted. -sighs- This whole “get a dress, get shoes, get done up” thing so isn’t my scene. This tomboy hated the idea of going to the goddamn formal.

Too bad she’s such a slave to peer pressure. :/

...okay, not peer pressure as such. I’m doing it for my friend - people who’ve been around for a while, anyone remember the girl with the heart problems? Yeah... after I skipped the Year 9 Social, so basically said “You are not skipping the Formal. I won’t let you.” So I’m not. I’m going for her. If not for her, I would just be spending my night at home, like I usually do.

...Is it bitchy to say that I wish they’d cancel it so I don’t have to go? >.<

They were considering cancelling it, because my school has this After-Party policy - ie. anyone having them can have the Formal cancelled. They say it’s to protect us, but you know it’s all about the school image. And it’s fair enough, it’s one of the things my school has going for it, after all... certainly it doesn’t have the fees going for it. >.< My mother is still calling me the $20,000 dollar girl. I wish she’d stop putting that price on my head.

-does mental calculation-

Shit... that’s like... $60,000 dollars paid for my tuition at the end of this year. ._.

I really, really didn’t want to know they were paying that much to send me to school. -headdesks-


Okay, I’m out. This is depressing me...

growing up, lightweight rowing, best friend, tertiary education, zomg rowing, school fees, crushes

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