...I wanna help beta-test FelisFireeeeee.
http://www.felisfire.com/ I'll admit, part of me just wants to be awesome and have a low usernumber (dammit I am so vain xD), but it actually looks really awesome. :) ALSO, AYWAS SAID YOU GET SIX FREE CUSTOMS TO START OFF YOUR COLONY and I was like, holy crap WANT CUSTOMS. xD;
Aywas is transferring from V2 to V3, and it's really annoying because I want to play games and explore and I NEED MOAR BP FOR THE STUPID COBWEB FAIRY SOLI. D: I want it. ;~; I'm almost halfway to being able to afford it. D:
Aaaaalso, I have a lot of new reference pictures for my Digis characters! I posted pics for Araceli, Ashling, Corabelle, Endellion, Melaenis, Riona, Setsuna, Sunsetter and Siorys in the Wajas/Digis thread that's on T/D. :) AND DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO GET A REFERENCE PIC OF A THIEF THAT DOESN'T LOOK COMPLETELY USELESS IN TERMS OF ACTUALLY BEING A THIEF? It is damn hard. D: *cannot find any refs for Blight*
Also, I have two RP posts to write (for Iasper and Kristina), but I'm lazy and I still haven't finished NN.