
May 25, 2006 12:55

A couple different times I've mentioned "my stack"...a stack of books that, back around the middle February, I (foolishly!) promised myself I'd finish reading before I'd let myself buy any more new matter how good of a price they were on the Amazon Marketplace (the independent sellers)!   It took me MUCH longer than I had thought it would to get through the stack, especially after I finished all the "new" books (which, essentially, were what motivated me to make the vow...because I was buying too many books!) and started reading what was left... books from my bookcase (lugged all the way from Idaho!) that I had bought several years before and never read all the way through... because I don't want books in my bookcase that I've never read!   Well...all that to preface...I AM NOW FINISHED WITH MY STACK!!  *choruses sound* at lunch I finished the last page of the book in that stack...and I shut it, set it down, looked at Luke (who was the only one home with me this morning) and let out a long and loud "YAY!!".   Poor Luke!  The first second or so of my yell, he got this terrified look...something along the lines of Oh-no-I'm-stuck-in-my-highchair-in-the-same-room-as-a-just-turned-insane-woman.  But then when he realized that Yat-yah ("Miss Jessica" in Lukese) was no more deranged than normal, he smiled and laughed.

So yes, I'm officially done with the stack...though, for honesty's sake, I should say that one of the books I got about half-way through reading, decided it wasn't worth my time, and then gave it to someone else.  But I justify not finishing it with the fact that since I gave it away, it won't be in bookcase, unread.  The last book of them all, the one I joyously finished today, was entitled The Quest for Meekness and Quietness of Spirit.   It was written by Matthew Henry (the same one who wrote Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible) a little over 300 years let's just say it wasn't exactly what you would call a "light read"!  But, surprisingly, after you get past the outdated was an okay that I'm keeping...though I can't guarantee that I'll read it again!

Finishing my stack came none too soon either...the homeschool convention starts tomorrow and that was what originally stopped my procrastination with the older books of my stack.  So it was just in time...and tomorrow I can browse the Exhibit Hall with a clear conscience in this regard!

Though I can now buy books (*more choruses sound*) and there are 262 items on my Amazon wishlist (if you want to see what they are, go here and type in my e-mail address or first and last name)...sadly, I don't think that I'll be going on a huge book-buying spree.   I REALLY want to...but I do need to save my money for other things...such as going to Bible college in the fall.  And...considering the fact that I still have to fly back to Idaho from here, and my bags were already over the weight limit coming here, and books are not the lightest things to pack...that somewhat limits my book buying (at least here in FL).  Seriously...I highly doubt that those people who came up with the weight limits for luggage were big readers!    However...I WILL probably buy at least one or two new books...I mean, it's been over three months...that's a long time!   Yes...some girls have a problem with buying too many shoes...I have that problem with buying books.  Though I don't think you can ever have too many books.

"Praise the LORD!   Praise the LORD, O my soul!   While I live I will praise the LORD; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being."  ~Psalm 146:1-2 

books, happenings, florida

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