Nov 18, 2009 23:08
Alright,,, for whatever reason... XD LJ raped my post and made them all run together past Sashi's answers... I guess those were just too epic LOL
so here's Part 2.
"Leave me a comment saying "Faux Shota"
I'll respond by asking you five questions so i can get to know you better.
Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions."
Ones I got for my often tentacle-raped DOKU:
1. What would you do if you had the twins or an active Ukoku in the ikkou?
I would DANCE! and draw soooo much more stupid doodles then I already do... LOL. I would also get to be super moe with Ukoku around... plus there would be someone to boss me around, along with me getting to boss someone around... XD I would have that group dynamic and history.
2. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
I guess:
A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
3. What is your favorite part of being Kami-sama?
I'd have to say the ability to jump between personalities! XD I can be absolutely CRAZY, and then happy and silly, and then MAD the next, he's all over the place! LOL
4. What do you WANT to do when you visit?
D8 I want to hang out and rape you of course! XD I also want to hang on the radio if you're still doing it along with seeing all your favorite haunts! I want to make you watch sooo much older anime and see what you think of it too! LOL
5. Who do you most want to unf out of the evil-tachi?
Me- .... XD well... if we're only talking about the "evil" in the way that they're against the "good" guys, I guess: Homura... I'd rape the monkey with him too XD and then Sanzo. LOL
Kami- Ukoku sensei isn't bad! but that's who it would be! <3
One I got from my Dear Yaone:
1. Which doll are you the most proud of making?
XD well... I didn't make ANY of them, Korea did, but I love the outfit I made for Kon for his sanzo cosplay! LOL
2. What is your exact position at TRU?
I'm listed as part time seasonal management AND SSEC(Store Special Events Coordinator), I was hired in as a seasonal employee but have been there for 3 years now LOL.
I'm also listed as R-zone(electronics section), Cashier, Specialist and as a Backroom person(that sounds dirty LOL).
Unlisted I'm also the Movie Chick(no official title in store, but nobody else seems to be able to understand that section XD)
*rolls up all awesome in her pimped-wheeled house* Piderman, did you forget three was your houze?
4. What's your favorite colour (I can't believe I don't know this!! D: But I'mma guess, green? )
8D it is GREEN! LOL <8 <3 <3 <8
5. Who would you consider your ultimate OTP out of any fandom?
It would be Sanzo X Goku. 39 is my favorite pairing ever... XD
From a Lovable Monkey!!
1-now what is YOUR favorite thing about them?
OMG...XD I guess it would have to be the dynamics! I love how they know what the other is thinking, but would NEVER finish each others sentences! Plus, you have Sanzo(uber sexy) and Goku(Uber cute)! It's such a workable pairing! <3 <3 I also love the devotion and they both share, while they show it in massively different ways.
Like Episode 26 of Gensomaden(entitled Calling)--- that scene where Sanzo panics and reaches his arm out to him makes me squeal every time! and the fact that they both can hear each other is PROOF! PROOF I SAY! XD no offense to anyone else, but I certainly don't hear my parentals voices in my head and my mom can never tell what I'm thinking, it's way more like a call you hear from a soulmate! Right? 8D
2-what do you like more, young shota Kami or adult kami?'
XD depends on what I'm doing, I only like shota Kami if I have an Ukoku to play with, otherwise Adult Kami is soo much more fun, as he's gone INSANE and it soo childish there's almost no difference, he can just attack better. LOL
3-how much have you spent on saiyuki goodies xD
I averaged it out awhile back(like a year ago)
At Animazement alone I spent $1200 in one weekend, I've re-bought the series so many times and so many little odds and ends.
I'd have to say at LEAST $3000, without counting any Journey to the West stuff. 8D I'm INSANE, but I'm okay with that. I don't want to figure out what I've spent with including Journey... I'd feel bad because I could have probably BOUGHT a third world country D8 and then I feel selfish...
D8 but then my 3 candle would be lonely.......
5-do you prefer sub or dub?
Sub. The Dub can be funny, but the voices ARE soooo much better in the sub. I melt whenever I hear Seki Toshihiko's voice... especially when I hear him with the ADORABLE sounding Hoshi Soichiro.
and I'm an old fan of Ishida Akira, so every time I hear him I'm happy too!
(Xellos! <3)
From my Zenon-papa!:
1. So are those really beads Kami, or are they M&Ms or cranberries today? >w>
Today they are just plain beads, yesterday they were cranberries (I HATE cranberries D8< ) and the day before they were M&Ms... but tomorrow, WHO KNOWS!?
2. Who would you want to be your Ukoku?
out of the people that already part of the ikkou?... IDK...
honestly, I'd prefer someone I didn't know at all, that way when I fawned over them as Ukoku it would be less weird IRL for me XD
3. Curious, why'd you pick M&Ms to send to the Ikkou? (I'm not complaining, I LOVE M&Ms XD, just curious is all).
Because they're aren't many other things I can customize, once I found I could make something like that, I could have done it for just me, but then I felt UBER selfish, so I was like FUCK THAT, 8D I'm going to make them for everybody who wants them! <3 <3
4. Would you really like to see the evil taichi for something, like storming DC or a con or something?
HELLZ YEAH, my house is big enough to hold everybody, personally I'd love for EVERYONE to get together, at least once, be it a con, a day in DC, the beach, I don't care what, something, anything would be fun with you guys! <3
5. Quick, Kami loves who?
Ukoku! and Yaone! <3 LOL and everyone else VERY muchly <3