Pictures: Sutton

Feb 21, 2011 23:54

Hi guys. :D/ I found more time to play sims over this weekend, and I took some pictures of my newest sim, Josefina Sutton.

Josefina is a fairly outgoing, rude pleasure sim whose goal in life is to be a dancer.

As you can see here, she is ~graceful~ even in the destruction of her sandcastle.

She lives in a little house on the beach with her St. Bernard, Mozart. Who I didn't take any pictures of because I am silly, but I digress.

First up is her tiny cramped tv area.

And the adjoining tiny dining area.

The kitchen, which I am rather proud of.

Her colourful bedroom.

I just like this shot because of the heating vent, I think it makes it look so much more realistic.

Upstairs is her studio, where she practices on the ballet barre. It's also Mozart's room, but I gave him a bed in Josefina's room as well so her practicing doesn't disturb him.

Aaand here is a shot of her tacky little hula lamp and other assorted crap. :D

I hope you guys don't mind the spam posts, I've just been having so much fun playing the game lately that I keep wanting to share.

Have a nice night! o/

ts2: pictures

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