I am here tonight bringing previews of things to come (and also picspam)! I started on the plantsim skin for my Venice add on set, and in the works I have a zombie skin which I showed before, mannequin, alien, and possibly bad witch.
I'm not sure if the vines are too cartoony for the skin tone, so thoughts on this would be awesome. And now, for the tiniest bit of picspam ever, because I wanted to share. :)
"He's right behind me, isn't he?" D:
These lovely gents are Zaknafein (left) and his brother Relboron (right).
Anything I try to say here will only detract from the hilarity, really. XD
And now for Dex being fucking adorable.
/Dex spam
I am made of le suck and forgot to turn Gadwin back on, so my official post for the Temil family (Zaknafein, Relboron, and Zak's alien spawn, Galin) is waiting for another day. Soo, the above just a tiny collection of pics from the last time I played, most of which are of Dex because he's too cute and was visiting them. Have a nice night everyone!
Edit: Why is everyone in my 'hood alien or half-alien? D: