(no subject)

Oct 24, 2017 15:47

I had a disorganized and frustrating rehearsal last night where neither musical nor logistical concerns were handled very well. It was the kind of near-fiasco that you sometimes get in performance disciplines that brings your colleagues (your cast, your ensemble members, whatever team is enduring the nonsense together) a particular kind of camaraderie.

You look at each other and think “can you believe this?” and try to do what the director wants instead of what he says, or quietly and conspiratorially undermine and overrule the incompetent choreographer, who subsequently thinks your success was her idea, or you sit on the floor and keep each other company while others rehearse things you’re not in, despite the fact that if the rehearsal had been organized by ensemble size instead of program order, half of you could have gone home an hour ago.

so despite the frustration, it’s in these kinds of situations where you get the most bonding. I have to say I haven’t felt as accepted/supported/included in as long as I can remember, than when… just this:
a lull was over and it was back to the madness, and a tenor, my favorite tenor, who regularly slays the entire choir with the gently supercompetent and hyper-elegant quality of whatever solos he’s assigned, who had been sitting in the pile of haphazard chairs pushed to the edges of the room for rehearsal with the band, offered me a hand up from where I sat on the floor with a weary “come on,” and looked back to make sure I returned to the chaos with him.

#gotta get somethin, #my life as a singer

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