via mamaste

Jan 22, 2006 11:30

Something purple within 5 feet of you: the spots on the gigantic plastic dinosaur monstrosity from fisher price.

Now something green: the corduroys i am wearing. they were thrifted in 1996!

Your nails were last painted: in november. but i have a gift certificate for a manicure/pedicure that i will use some day. a fun girly day trip with my friend jen.

The weirdest thing you've ever heated in the microwave? i think my underwear in order to kill a yeast infection.

How much Japanese do you know? not much. i know some sushi speak.

Do you look good in yellow? i don't know. i guess i look ok enough in it, but i do not have many pieces of clothing that are in that hue.

Do you sing? not professionaly. but i have a decent voice. as in i always got the lead in the school/camp musical. when i was a yoga instructor, i liked chanting and often got compliments on my voice..

Ever danced in front of a crowd? i've danced in a crowd. and maybe, just maybe, there are alleged instances where i've been drunk enough to dance on a table. but thankfully, to do that i was wasted enough that i don't actually remember said table dancing.

Do you ever spit? instead of swallow? oh, no. i swallow. it's one of the keys to giving good head. and i have skills in that department.

Is your hair long enough to chew on? yes, but ew. nate sure does love to hold onto a chunk of my hair when he's sleepy.

Least favourite colour? i don't often wear red, because when i had zits, i thought it accentuated them. but i don't not like red.

Ever had Dippin' Dots? why yes i have. they suck.

Ever played an instrument? well, in 5th grade when we had an opportunity to, all the cool girls were playing the oboe, so i signed up for that. only i could not for the life of me read the music so i generlly just moved my fingers willy nilly and only pretended to blow.

Ever had a H2O massage? at the mall? at the mall? huh? never had one period, unless you count the hand held shower action massaging me like that.

Do you believe in bigfoot? no. but jake does.

Ever been to a palm reader? no. but it would be interesting to.

Last Pez dispenser you purchased? the whole reason i did this survey was to answer this question. i don't purchase pez, but my father has quite the collection that we house:

What song is playing right now? silence.

Did you have a good weekend? yes, mellow and uninteresting- but good.

What are you thinking about right now? wondering if i will be able to find some cute jeans when i go out later and ignore my budget.

Have you ever had a black eye? no. but jake ran into a wall when he was in preschool and had the most frightening black eye i have ever seen. there were xrays and possible facial fractures and to this day there is a little tiny bone bump on his upper cheekbone/eye socket area.

How is today going for you? so far so good, i've got some shoulder/neck issues but we had a good breakfast (well, tasty, not healthy- pillsbury cinamon rolls and scrambled eggs and oj and coffee.)

Any plans for tonight? smoke some hash? more travel planning, maybe some paper journaling. possibly some S-E-X.

Ever taken a picture of someone who was naked? yeah, jim and i did that once upon a time when we were young and crazy. and then we got them developed at cvs. that must have been fun for someone. most got ripped up by me in a fit of embarrasment, bu there are a few shots hidden away.

Do you find Smurfette sexy? no, i do not.

Current disappointment: jim's boss did not pony up with an offer to send us all to hong kong this spring. so i will be home alone again while jim is off being worldly (and worked to the bone). but hell or high water (or more likely, money from our own pockets) we are all going in the fall.

Do you have an air freshener in your car? no. occassionally i'll sprinke an essential oil on the floor mats.

Do you have plants in your room? nope. some times a vase of flowers, but generally speaking, i don't do houseplants.

If you could drink anything right this second what would it be? i'm not really thristy. maybe some water? more coffee?

Last piece of mail opened? magazine subscription offer.

Does anything hurt on your body right now? ugh, yes. i did yoga yesterday and i couldn't resist chaturanga and up dog and some sarvangasana/halasana action. and now, as it happens every single fucking time, my neck and shoulder are all fucked up. it really makes me hate yoga and resent practicing and limitations and my stupid fucking body. i want yoga to be my excercise and obviously it can't be because it causes me pain. so then i just don't excercise at all and that is no good.

What city was your last taxi cab ride in? actually, i was going to say nyc, duh! but i think i have not taken a cab in a while and that my last cab ride was in paris.

(ps. mamaste! jake says "uh, no. i don't know if biocles and legos are compatible. i don't think they are." this illustrates my frustration with jake and his head process. he just isn't creative in the way that it would ever occur to him to try fitting them together.)
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