you must not know 'bout me

Oct 28, 2006 12:02

My life is on the brink of change.

Something big is about to happen..something huge. I just know it.

My trip to New York was precisely what i needed ..Williamsburg, Brooklyn stole my heart. Hanging out with jorge and charlie , downing bottles of champagne and smoking l's at our suite at the waldorf, drunkinly parading around the lower east side with julio and waking up in brooklyn when i shouldve been in was all too good to be true. It really was surreal. Every second was absolutely surreal.

Julio gets here the Dec 15. I cant fucking wait.

I started working out on the regular again..makes me less moody. Thank God.

I havent needed anything in about 2 months..ive had money for everything ive wanted..which is fucking awesome.

life is sweet. sweet sweet sweet.
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