Sep 15, 2005 17:24
well school is fun cept the homework that i dont do for some reason. i try to i promise but i cant focus on homework!! its just too boring caus my teachers are incompetent and i havnt learned anything except ozone=O3 (the 3 is spose to be little tiny). also many ad things have happened this week. they sent home a memo telling us that a classmatetook his life and on the back it has a hella lota things to talk to your kids about with. as if kids WANT to talk to their parents about anything what makes them think we want to talk about this. if we did it would make it so real that i couldnt stand it. and nobody at school really cares that what makes me mad. they keep on going like nothing happened. also i want to say something nice to doug but i dont know him and i think he hates me so i dont know what to say and even if i did i would feel akward(spelling?) talking about it. people say that people choose their destiny, i disagree i know i would of picked something way different that what i got and im sure almost everyone will agree with that. bu then you think if it was different would i still be myself, would i have the same friends, and you find you wouldnt, so you have to figure out what you really want, but as so little people accually know what they want that it just leads to even more confusing! i love my friends and im ok with myself but sometimes i just ask what if? yet again im rambling(spelling?) but im glad i can let something out as i ussually bottle things up and dont let anyone into my feelings, im glad i have my friends to lean on. on a happier note im going to the fair on saturday!!! with Jordan and other maybe! i cant wait its going to be so much better then homecoming.