(no subject)

Apr 15, 2003 07:23

So after I got home from the beach last night I was dead tired, and ended up passing out on my futon around 9. And I had the weirdest dream

In my dream, for some reason, my dad was out of town, and I was living in Ms. Deby's house. I remember asking her if we could go to the library, and since it was close by, we walked.

k, so after teh library, we were walking home, and this truck pulls by with a bunch of white southern guys in it. The guy in the front seat says something real southern-like and points to a house. "Wtf did you just say?" I asked. Then he said, "My family needs our doorbell thing back, and we just moved, please retrieve it for us." So I walked over to the door, and I found a round thing at shoulder height, and the words "family" were written across it. I grabbed it, and walked down the steps, and as I did, I noticed there were skeletons and bats hanging around the house, like it had just been Halloween or something. And then the door opens behind me...

This little girl, with long black hair floats down the stairs and in her hand is a styrofoam sword. She comes up to me and taps me with the sword, which causes my whole body to freeze. I hear a scream in the backround, and the girl looks at me and says,"Levitz".

Then I woke up...

Now wtf does levitz mean? And why did this spooky girl do me like that? AND WHY WAS I LIVING WITH MS. DEBY?! I just dunno...dreams are weird.
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