I woke up early sometime this morning, and as I was trying to go back to sleep my brain (as it likes to do; this happens to JP at night, but me in the horrid early morning) threw some arbitrary thing at me to think about and keep me awake. This time, it was that I should learn to write legibly with my left hand, using
this method. I have learned to mouse well with my left hand, to the extent that I do all my work (modelling and animation; not just general websurfing-mousing) with my left hand now (because of some potential carpal tunnel problems). So it seems possible, but I guess the obvious stumbling-block would be that I don't write with my hands every day for several hours, like I use a mouse. Maybe when my animal psychology class starts next month I can try to take notes only with my left hand, and thereby miss most of what's being said, and fail.
Well, if I can manage it at all, it would be entertaining to have non-dominant-handed handwriting that's completely different from my dominant.
Yesterday I bought a goofy green Mao-ish hat that makes me look as if I am trying to be a rebellious teenager. I will have to soften the up-and-down curve of the brim somewhat.