"White Christmas" (1954), Michael Curtiz. Jan 2, 8pm. View count: One.
Fluffy, but reasonably well-handled. A couple of old army buddies who have some kind of Danny Kaye/Bing Crosby singing/dancing theater career going meet up with a "sister act" whose one-song repertoire is about them being sisters. One of them is Rosemary Clooney, and the other is a very breakable-looking lady who does the dancing for the act. They all go to Vermont so that they can sing the word "snow" a lot, and do a Let's Put On a Show show which has some purpose that I can't remember. It was cheery and harmless, and really all the main characters are good at their jobs. Pros, all of 'em.
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here! I guess! Mirrored for now, but... maybe not forever? I don't know.