spring fling=elongated study session

Mar 22, 2006 12:50

I'm definitely supposed to be in full on debauchery mode, however I have a driving desire to finish up both independent study courses before classes resume. Hence, I am doomed to more late night studyathons as my chums are galavanting in far away places like Disney Land. However ,I found it appropriate to take a brief pause in my studies to contemplate how fantastically nuts I must be to be dating a musician.
So, said beau has now landed connections with bands that play outside of our speck of a town. Congrats, for sure. Yet, as I near grad and consider future options, it seems more and more likely that he and I will be a little further apart ,geographically speaking, in the very near future. Truth be told I'm not all *that* concerned considering it has been 3 and a half years now. No, longevity does not equal love, but it helps when hurdling some of the things that seemed insurmountable during the honeymoon stage. I'm fairly sure that I don't want to get married anytime soon, nor do I have a desire to tour with them, or any such nonsense. In fact,I'm not even really concerned about fidelity issues. Perhaps on some level I'm just creating concerns because it just can't be this uncomplicated, right? Fuck it all. I'm sure this makes little sense, but it's my journal...so there.
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