On vacation! It's been lovely so far. Currently in Virginia Beach (or rather thereabouts) staying with relatives. They're the aunt and uncle that I lived with before, + the darling little cousin who wasn't born then. (He seriously reminds me of one of the kids from A Wrinkle in Time. At first I thought it was Charles Wallace, but I was wrong- he's really a lot like Meg, or like Meg would have been at Charles Wallace's age. Down to the taking comfort in math.) Also, he listens to Greek music, compulsively. I've sworn to learn a couple of the traditional line dances to teach him the next time we're around.
So far it's been lovely, just spending time with family we don't get to see often enough. Today we went to the VA Beach Aquarium, oogled over the sea turtles and sharks (though the jellyfish display was honestly disappointing.) Went out to eat at a place called the Jewish Mother- all the items on the menu were named in the style of extended family titles. They had a flamenco guitarist and the whole place was decorated in abstract painted glass and the walls are painted to look like a series of doors, brightly coloured and absurd, one right after another. It's been very comfortable with naptimes and lounging around reading books and watching movies or tv we wouldn't ordinarily see. Editing pictures, playing board games.
Stayed in for dinner- porkchops in cognac sauce and raspberry baked brie, with apple pie for dessert. Ron's cooking is always stellar.
Almost all of my friends are at Pennsic right now, having just finished up landgrab weekend, and I found myself wondering on the trip down if this vacation would be enough. I do miss it, & think I'll miss it more as the year goes on, but this is lovely so far. Last night the bunch of us crowded onto the porch, listening to the crickets and breathing in the familiar muggy twilight. We pulled out the crazy telescope and all peered at the craters on the moon, talked about life & family & the unexpected. & Even though I'm quite happy in PA, it was interesting to step outside on that porch and be hit with what I'm missing at home- soothing nostalgia? I don't know. I dream of replacing it in my own home someday, on my own back porch, with torches and chinese lanterns and wine and laughter and family.
In the meantime, we're just enjoying the locale and the company and waiting for things to come.
Also, there are a few more pictures from the Aquarium under the cut. The rest are
here. Also, I'm on Andy's laptop and had to calibrate its color settings by instinct, so if things look a little off this week, please forgive me and I'll fix them at home. I didn't have a chance to test it first and it looks better, but I'm hoping it's not secretly awful.