I took advantage of my day off today and made a cheesecake for grazing days at work. After some debate, I made an irish cream & chocolate chip- I took polls on whether or not it would be allowed, what with alcohol, and the general consensus was "Maybe not, but I'm not complaining." In compromise, I used maybe half the amount of bailey's that I usually would- so far, I like the change. It's more flavored, a little less obvious that it's alcohol, which generally wins me points. At any rate, I'm really regretting that I didn't leave more batter in the bowl. Yum.
I do have enough cream cheese to make at least two more, so maybe there are good things to look forward to this holiday season.
Andy and I spent a little bit of time unpacking the christmas ornaments that his parents have bought for him over the years. They tend to collect the hallmark series more than just buying random ones like my family has done, so there were some surprises in there, things they had bought to continue the series that he'd never seen before. Crayola, cars, and star trek. So we pulled all the star trek ones out and littered them around. ^_^ My favorite by far is the
Borg Cube that lights up and says "We are the Borg. Enjoy your holidays. Resistance is futile." Although the Enterprise that we have on our telly comes a close second- it lights up and plays the original theme music in all its geeky glory. At any rate, the klingon birds of prey & various enterprise ships make a rather amusing contrast to my ballerinas & mice that I've collected over the years, and our tree is now quite entertaining. Also, Data is now sitting on my bookshelf.
All of my christmas shopping is officially done. I don't know if it's because of that, or maybe because of the speed that November went, but it feels like December is crawling. Isn't it Christmas yet? I am more than ready to be done with these stupid holiday shoppers and coworkers getting all flustered and never having time for a decent meal.
I'm not much of one for new year's resolutions, but I'm seriously considering actually going for a picture a day next year, rather than the maybe three pictures every couple of weeks or whenever I have time. At least 5/week, though that doesn't have quite the same ring to it. We'll see what happens, but my work has improved so much over the past six or so months - it would be interesting to see what i'd learn over that much work. Kind of like the Nanowrimo of photography.
Of course, there are piles of other things i'd like to get done as well- relearn french, work full time, go back to school, run a professional dance troupe, actually play the fiddle consistently. Finish more costumes, and draw. And probably eight more things that I'm forgetting, and that's not mentioning the perverse obsessions that I pick up from week to week. One does wonder exactly how to fit it all in.