Nov 30, 2005 11:36
So there I am in Hagkaup, a typical Icelandic supermarket. Having purchased what I need for the evening's dinner, I'm wandering aimlessly about, looking for more stuff to buy out of habit rather than necessity. Suddenly I hear a wailing, grating sound, the whining noise of a small child begging her mother for a treat. In this case it was a rather horribly tasteless Barbie Chocolate Advent Calendar. Mom would not relent so the kid took the whining to a higher and more annoying level, hanging on to her coattails, crying like Meryl Streep in Sophie's Choice.
I couldn't bear to watch more of this hilarious tragedy so I wandered down another aisle, browsing through a wide variety of Scandinavian crackers. But when I exited that aisle, I saw the aforementioned little girl, as calm as Buddha on morphine. How odd, I thought, she must have gotten her way. I filled my cart with a few useless necessities and made ready to find a register. To my great surprise, I ran into the harried mother again and her little brat except now the wee princess was again throwing the shit fit to end all other shit fits, crying her little eyes out, evidently still being denied her Barbie Christmas. By this time I was wondering if the kid was a few chapters short of a novel when all of a sudden I spot the EXACT same girl a few meters away, happily helping herself to some giveaway cakes. The mystery was solved my dear Watson, twins!
Note to parents: What the fuck is up with you dressing your twins in the exact same clothes? Ain't you ever seen any movies??
One of them always turns out evil and when that happens, it pays to be able to tell them apart!