The DCU remix version Semi-Public - recs and other strictly fannish things will always be public, everything else under lock. Drop me a line here if you want me to add you back, otherwise I'll assume you just want to lurk. ♥
Nine Things I Assume You Know About Me
updated March 28, 2013
1. I am a
sex-positive feminist. (One of these days I will type up what feminism is and isn't to me, but if your feminism isn't queer, trans and person of color positive, then I will probably laugh at you and tell you why you are WRONG.) And along with that, I am a white, able bodied, cis-gendered US citizen, so if you need to slap my upside the head and tell me how my privilege is showing, please do so, because it often does.
2. I have just finished up 5 years worth of a dual Masters degree program (History and Library Science). My long-term career goals are in academia, so there is more than a passing chance that my personal entries will reflect my PhD application process and my research interests, but I'm taking the next year off to recharge my batteries so I don't burn out.
3. My sexuality involves a lot of words. (I am a lady who likes other ladies! I am demi-sexual! I am also kinky!) Queer works just fine for me as a short-hand label, as does gay.
4. I suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder, and also general depression. I only post about these things infrequently and always under a filtered flock. (Which is able to be opted out of at ANY time.) I reserve the right to change who is on that filter for reasons of my own comfort levels and NOT because I dislike or distrust you. If I have you friended, it's because I like and trust you, but I just can't talk about all of me with every one.
5. I am a real fan of just fandom. I have many different fandoms that I actively squee over and even more that I read fic in, but at the end of the day, I am seriously just in love with us all having fun with this wonderfully dorky thing!
6. I have been actively involved in fandom (commenting, reccing, ect) for about seven years now, but I was lurker for a good many years before then. This means that I support the right to lurk, but I also occasionally become the introvert that I am and pull myself back into lurk mode when I am stressed. So if I ever seem distant or not around much - it isn't that I don't love you, it just a self-defense mechanism for stress.
My pinboard bookmarks are all the fics that I read that I think I might want to re-read for whatever reason. That ... doesn't necessarily mean that I would consider all of them to be recommended by me. But they all have something that struck me about them, like an interesting characterization or a delightful image/turn of phrase or the sex hit a kink of mine or it is about a rare pairing or favorite character. However, the ones that I rec here without mentioning something specific I am reccing because they are good holistically, not just in one area that struck me while bookmarking.
8. I am mostly active on
twitter nowadays, but I still read my flists on both LJ and DW, and I am trying to get back into the habits of posting and commenting more frequently now that school is no longer eating my entire existence. Dreamwidth is my journal platform of choice, but I'll be on LiveJournal until the last friend departs or until DW figures out integrated reading pages, which ever comes first.
9. My philosophy about "defriending" (such a loaded word) is simple - every day is defriending amnesty day around here. I like to think that in the natural eb and tide of friendships we'll meet again, but even if we don't, I will always feel honored to have had you in my life. And similarly, if I do defriend you, I hope that you understand that it's not a reflection of you as person, just me attempting to regain some control over the time/energy I put into my on-line relationships, because I am only one person and can only spread myself so thin.