(no subject)

Jul 17, 2007 14:56

I uploaded this for vsee and realized that if even ONE of you hasn't heard/been exposed to the wonder that is Neil Gaiman's The Day I Swapped my Dad for Two Goldfish, that was one too many! http://download.yousendit.com/B8653EF9554CEB06 and enjoy! Because for 15 minutes of your life, your face will hurt from smiling. I PROMISE! (Also, I forgot to change the format before uploading. *headdesk* So if anyone wants it in a non .wma format, just say the word and I'll upload another version tomorrow.)

Also, just 'cause I can - a few recs!

Drunk with the Only Saints I Know by minervacat
Angel/Boondock Saints crossover Wesley/Murphy/Connor NC-17

*flails* My Wesley! And Connor and Murphy! Just to give you a hint of how happy this story made me, I read it 2 times this weekend, and I am still planning upon printing it out to take with me to read again. Set in between seasons 3 and 4 of Angel, Wesley meets up with the twins in LA and they each remind the other why they are fighting. Long, plotty, gloriously hot porn, and spot on characterization.

Down the Road the Streetlight Glows by pixel-0
Supernatural/Gilmore Girls crossover Sam/Rory PG

So this takes what could have been a cracky concept (Dean Forrester was actually Sam Winchester undercover in Stars Hollow) and makes it WONDERFUL. I mean, don't get me wrong, I still would have loved the crack!version of this, but this kind of quietly managed to BREAK me into a million pieces! I love stories that make me think about canon in a different way, and this particular filter will be one that will color my watching of both shows for a while.

Beyond the Veil by childofatlantis
Harry Potter Remus/Sirius PG-13

I went on a hunt for this story this weekend, because I remembered absolutely loving it the first time I read it. And then promptly loosing the link. *facepalm* But luckily a bit of googling quickly recovered a readable format for me (because some of those achieves are NASTY to read) and it was just as good as I remembered it being! This is one of those "Sirius falls through the veil" stories that I gather became very popular following book 5. Not being in the fandom, I don't know how this compares to other stories, but I just adored it, because not only does it take elements and loose strands from the books and weave them into an absolutely convincing narrative, but the love plot is well integrated and delightfully believable. (Of course, this coming from a girl whose favorite couple in the few HP fics I've read is Remus/Sirius, so that is possibly my bias talking) A delightful multi-chaptered read if you are looking for something to tide you over until Saturday.

844,739 Ways to Eat a Hamburger by minervacat
Stargate Atlantis gen PG-13

I'll confess - I read it because I liked the title. But seriously, this was just SUCH a delight! I don't really care much for SGA (sorry - I tried! I really did! But it mostly just bored me. And as much as I love fic, I just don't usually care how well written it is if I just don't care about the characters) but on occasion, I find something that just makes me care. And this one did! I just ... road trips! Waffle Houses! LOVE IS A BATTLEFIELD! *dies of laughter* I suspect that it might be even more hilarious to those who know the canon, but if you have ever had your mother threaten to turn the car around, this is the story for you!

recs:stargate, recs:supernatural, recs:angel, recs:harrypotter, recs:movie fic, recs:gilmoregirls

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