Guys - I have the most talented flist EVER!

May 14, 2007 20:34

So I started this post with the intention of just pimping sdwolfpup's new fic, because hi! As beta that means I TOTALLY get bragging privileges about how awesomely talented my friends are. And then I actually had time to check my flist for the first time in a few days (moving from school to home and back to school in the smaller dorm for the summer in the course of a week is HARD yo! ESPECIALLY when those few days are around Mother's Day!) and I realized that just about ALL of you guys have done amazing things over the course of the weekend! *beams at you* So even though I haven't had a chance to tell anyone except for Cat how amazing that they are, that isn't going to stop me from telling you first!

Windblown by sdwolfpup
Hard Core Logo John gen R

Disclaimer - I betaed and John is my favorite character. So that does make me biased ... but WHO CARES? Seriously, this is AMAZING. It is lush and detailed and poignant and textured and just so flailing WONDERFUL. I mean, she has metaphor! And thinky things! And this sentence! John couldn’t speak anymore, but he remembered how to sing, like a bird should. which pretty much for me IS the John that we meet in the movie distilled into a sentence. *beams at her* Even if you have NO clue who John Oxenberger or Hard Core Logo are, just read it for the sheer beauty that is this woman's writing!

5 Times Darren Nichols Avoided Being Committed by catwalksalone
Slings and Arrows Darren gen PG-13ish?

So I suggested this prompt on a whim, because for me, Darren is just as batshit as Geoffrey is, but in a socially acceptable way. And Cat gave me THIS. I just ... WOW. I jokingly accused her of tying Darren up so that she could have him tell her the story of his life, but she DID! She had to have done that! She melted my heart into butter, made me laugh, AND shattered my heart into billion of bitty pieces. All the while channeling her inner Darren!

Bleeds for a Week and Doesn't Die by nutkin
Supernatural Dean/Sam AU (Dean and Sam are sisters, not brothers) NC-17

So you all KNOW my intense of love genderfuck and femmeslash, right? And you KNOW my favorite thing in the whole world is genderfuck femmeslash, right? *beams at nutkin* I know that she didn't write it JUST for me, but I am going to pretend that she did, because I just love it that much! And even though it is NC-17, this is seriously an entire lovely UNIVERSE created with this fic, not just hot sex. She does what musefool does with Beggars May Ride (which, while I didn't babble on quite enough about, I still love beyond all reason, so y'all should REALLY check that one out!) and she does it in the SECOND PERSON. *looks aghast at her* Seriously sweetie, if you keep this up, I might have to stop hating second person so much!

Filing System by aingeal8c
Due South gen G

*look guiltily at Aingeal* So I maybe still haven't had a chance to read her ds_aprilfools fics ... but I did find the time to read this! And it was SO very sweet! And happy! And OH FRASER. *snuggles him* Also, hi! How much do I LOVE story telling through documents? THIS MUCH!

Not Some Romantical Enounter by ana-grrl
Firefly Simon/Jayne, Jayne/Inara NC-17

HOT LIKE BURING. Written for the weapons kink prompt for the kink/cliche challenge (which is AMAZING! I kind of can't wait to have the time to read them!) and I just ... kink yes! Cliched - NO! Also, I feel that she scores points! lots of them! with me for using a crossbow. *beams at ana* Sweetie - I kind of love you LOTS for this fic right now, just so ya know!

And! Omphale23 wrote drabbles!

The first is from The Invisible, which is a WONDERFUL coda to the movie, which I just saw this weekend. (I really enjoyed it, I just felt that the end was BEYOND cheesey. However, Callum more than made up for it, and it was SUBSTANTIALLY better than most teen movies, so not a bad use of my $7!) Seriously, this drabble was just the bit of a missing piece of Callum's character that I didn't even realize was missing - AND not spoilery to boot! And the second one is making me wonder if there is an HCL renaissance going on that I am not aware of - two delightful HCL fics on the same day?! There are spoilers for the end of the movie, so if you haven't seen it yet, don't ruin it for yourself, but I just ... *flails* LOVELY little snapshots!

So your marching orders are to go forth, tell these people that they are properly BRILLIANT ('cause they are) and then I shall do the same. Tomorrow. For tonight, it is time for BED! (For 8 am comes too early. Seriously guys, why do my summer jobs always involve me getting up earlier than I EVER have to during the semester? Answer - because I am clearly just that spoiled! ;-)

porn \0/, recs:duesouth, recs:firefly, recs:supernatural, recs:slings&arrows, recs:hcl

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