14 Valentines Day 8: Politics and Voting

Feb 08, 2009 11:51

Today's 14valentines theme is Politics and Voting. So really, what better excuse do I need to pull out some of my favorite West Wing fics! *beams* I really couldn't think of a better one, could you?

Four Times Ainsley Hayes Tried to Explain (And One Time She Didn’t Have to) by llyfrgell (PG, gen)
Smith College was a well-respected educational institution with an excellent reputation and many successful graduates. This is what Ainsley told her mother when she received her acceptance letter.

Smith College was a well-known female space where sleeping with other women might as well have been a requirement for graduation. This is what Ainsley’s student host told her at Admitted Students Day.

Ainsley already knew both of those facts, and to her, it sounded perfect. Now all she had to do was avoid letting her mother know that she knew about the latter while also convincing her fellow students that she, a lifelong Republican from North Carolina, was just as much there for the latter reason as they were. If the skeptical looks she had received from both her mother and her student host were any indication, she had her work cut out for her.

In the time to come by intl_princess and inveigler (apocalypse AU, PG, Toby/CJ)
There's a quiet flurry of activity while a steward attempts CPR to no avail, and CJ watches in horror as Carterton's body is covered with an airline blanket. She feels nauseous, an uncomfortable combination of fear and psychosomatic illness. She uses the airphone to call Danny who's writing at home in Santa Monica, but she can't raise him or the nanny.

CJ thinks the seventy three minutes before the plane hits the tarmac are the longest of her life.

Story of Seasons by raedbard (West Wing/Buffy the Vampire Slayer, PG, CJ/Tara)
When it is snowing, Tara writes to her in the condensation which mists up the windows. It is always cold in Boston, or it seems so to her. She sees sunlight, high and cold, in the clean swipes her fingers make on the glass. She writes CJ letters which dissolve into water, letters easily lost, letters silent, gone.

in New York, this is the shortest day by mazily (CJ/Toby, PG)
In the end, he doesn't write that book at all. That book, n. The one everyone always assumed he'd write, after the administration ended, the one about faith and liberal ideology and a man who was at once too much and not enough. The one they'd pestered him about at dinner parties, over cocktails, so...

Blink and you'll miss it: he writes a love story.

Point, Counterpoint; or, Galactica Encounters of the West Wing Kind. by anjali-organna (West Wing/Battlestar Galactica, PG, gen)
"No, sir," Leo said. "This is the real thing."

"A spaceship."

"It's holding steady," Nancy said, "and hasn't made any movement toward the planet since we first detected it."

"I bet you felt a little ridiculous saying that, didn't you Nancy?"

ETA: This was just posted today, and is made of AWESOME.

Suffrage by arsenicjade (gen, G)
CJ knew as well as--perhaps better than--anyone else that a vote might give someone a voice, but it didn't allow her a loudspeaker. Which was why, beyond satisfying her personal curiosity, she would ask other things of the people she met. She asked if the roads they were building went where people needed them to; if the jobs provided by the building of the roads were affecting the economy of the towns in any way noticeable at a ground level. Mostly she asked what people wanted, what they needed.

14valentines, recs:battlestargalactica, recs:westwing, recs:buffy, women ftw!

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