My little
12_hour_poptart is all grown up and attendin' college! *snugs* And so to make up for the fact that I won't be able to come 'round and randomly bother her like I wanted to be able to do, I am going to do the next best thing, and give her a picspam of Brendon Urie - her favorite boyfriend in all of boyfriend land! :-D
Nothing says true love quite like sharing your spumoni? Seriously though, my mouth HURTS at the thought of Jon actually consuming all of that ice cream in one bite. Clearly, a Brendon is needed for Life Help with such problems!
GOD - that COAT. *drools*
His stupid little face! ♥
Whoever let that child dress himself needs to be shot. Oh HONEY - those patterns together? Really?!
"Are they gone yet? I wanna go to bed!"
Oh his heart will GO ON AND ON!
I would sincerely love to know the context of that face. Ryan just looks so pleased with himself and I don't know that I've ever seen Brendon look quite that shocked.
"You want a piece of me!?"
Everyone just looks so NICE in this shot. *approves*
Unlike in this shot, wherein I REALLY hope they were all stoned. Or sick. Or hungover. OR SOMETHING TO EXPLAIN WHY I HAVE SEEN ZOMBIES LOOK MORE ATTRACTIVE.
That right there? That is the face of someone who would
very sincerely date himself. True facts! :-D
This one on the other hand actually is pure sex, and I can't put my finger on what the difference is.
Whereas this one just reminds me of
12_hour_poptart's brother. *g*
Is he REALLY getting ready to blow the camera a raspberry?!
Brendon does not approve of my shenanigans!
This just feels like he watched too many 80s high school movies and thought that the "tough" guys had the answers to how to be cool and fit in.
Stubble - yur doin' it right. :-D
Little Ryan Rossy is unresonably fond of that Brendon Urie fellow. :-D
Awww - matching crossed arms of teen body image angst. *g*
Please to be noting: Arbor Mist, Budweiser, and CAPRI SUN. Oh HONEY. *smishes him*
I can haz a Jon. NO JON FOR YOU!
Whatever Ross, I scoff at your tea!
Hey you! You with the face!
Really guys! Stop with the dirty talk where the journalists can hear it!
How can the same pair of glasses look so tragic in one picture and so wonderfully perfect in the next? I HAVE NO EARTHLY CLUE!
GAH! Evil!Clown!Brendon strikes again! RUN BABY FANS - RUN!
Ryan's hood! Brendon's gloves! The peace sign! THE TRAGIC HALF EATEN MUFFIN! ♥
There are just so many confusing things about this picture. Brendon's face! Jon's hat! Ryan looking like someone just ate his soul in the background!
D'awww! His hands!!
Why does this entire photoshoot make me want beatboxing Brendon SO BADLY?
(Also, I think that my skirt from private high school was made out of the same material.)
This is Brendon Urie, thinking longingly of the end scene from HCL. (This is
sansets, getting run out of fandom by every fangirl she knows. :-D)
Don't get me wrong - ADORABLE picture, but I just can't help but thinking how uncomfy that Brendon would be as a pillow. Waaaay too many bones.
*not so seekritly hoping that the button will blow something up*
And this picture, in a nutshell, is kind of my default thinking about Brendon. I am SO sorry
12_hour_poptart, but I just mostly don't find him all that sexy. I mostly want to pinch his cheeks and take him shopping. *ducks and covers*
However, sometimes I can be persuaded to think otherwise. This picture goes a LONG way towards doing so.
Also, this one. Drum!kink FTW!!
I SWEAR guys - his cock was THIS BIG!
Love me, love my hair. (GOD - I just want to tussle it like a two year old! *facepalm*)
Unpopular fannish opinion time - I REALLY love his tattoo! I think that it is pretty and wonky and is just PERFECT for him.
So now I shall spam you with pictures of it.
Because I can! \0/
I want a Zach!
La La La La - I can't hear you!
No! Mom and Dad have NEVER HAD SEX.
Awwww!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
Channeling a different brand of 80s movies, ones where he is copying the cool GIRLS this time. :-D
It is possible his face is entirely made of rubber.
How sad am I that I always try to figure out what Brendon is drinking in this picture? SO SAD.
Contemplative Brendon is Contemplative.
This picture is the epitome of Brendon to me, so I had to put it for the end. It just fills me with so much glee! He is having SUCH FUN!! HOW IS HIS LIFE REAL? HE CAN'T TELL YOU EITHER!
And that is all she wrote! *hugs
12_hour_poptart tight* I love you SO SO MUCH SWEETIE!