Holding hearts, 1/1, PG13, Brad/Nate, Ray/Walt, 478

May 12, 2011 20:45

Title: Holding hearts
Author: sephirothflame
Fandom: Generation Kill
Rating: PG13
Character(s)/Pairing(s): pre-Brad Colbert x Nate Fick, implied Walt Hasser x Ray Person
Warning(s): AU
Spoiler(s): None
Prompt(s): Written because of this picture of Stark on the set of Rookies and kari_hermione
Word Count: 478
Rants: An AU where Walt is a runaway, Ray comes from a broken/abusive home, Nate is a cop and Brad works at community center and holds them all together.
Summary: When the boys get roughed up, Nate brings them to Brad for sanctuary.
Disclaimer: I do not own Generation Kill. This was written purely for fun, based off of the fictionalized portrayal of the actual people. No disrespect or harm was intended.

Walt is passed out on the couch, his head in Ray’s lap and seemingly oblivious to the fingers carding through his hair slowly. He needs a shower to wash away the blood and dirt, but Ray’s in no better a condition as he holds a bag of frozen peas to his face.

In any case, Brad’s couch has certainly seen a lot worse than two roughed up, grungy teenagers so Brad’s not going to complain. Even if bloodstains are kind of harder to get out than come.

Nate’s still in the kitchen, staring into the same cup of coffee Brad made him an hour ago like maybe now that it’s cold and thick it’ll offer more answers than when it was fresh. He’s the only one without blood and bruises, but he still looks dead on his feet.

“You know,” Brad says slowly, waiting until Nate looks at him before continuing. “When you told me you would bring them home, the implication was that you would take them home. As in, not my couch. Again.”

“I’m sorry,” Nate says, sighing. He pauses, shaking his head and shooting Brad a determined look. “No, actually, I’m not. And you don’t mean that.”

Brad just shrugs. “You owe me.”

There’s a thin smile on Nate’s lips and he places his coffee cup on the counter. “Walt won’t tell me where he’s staying and Ray - “

“It’s okay, Nate,” Brad says softly. He reaches out to touch Nate’s arm, his fingers sliding along the sleeve of his shirt until he can curl them around his elbow.

Nate looks down at Brad’s hand on his elbow and bites his lip. “I should get going. Thank you again.”

Brad tightens his grip on Nate’s elbow, holding him in place. “You’re exhausted,” he says, frowning. “You should - stay here. Tonight.”

“Your couch is kind of taken right now,” Nate says, glancing over at Ray and Walt in the living room. It takes Brad quirking an eyebrow for Nate to realize what Brad means. “Brad - “

“Just to sleep, Nate.” Brad lets go of Nate’s elbow and picks up his abandoned coffee cup. He drains the sludge in the sink and avoids looking at Nate. “We wouldn’t want to set a poor example for the children.”

“Just to sleep?” Nate asks suspiciously. His exhaustion is evident in his eyes, his words, and Brad tries not to be affronted that Nate sounds so hopeful about just sleeping with Brad.

“Just to sleep,” Brad confirms, turning around to look at Nate again and nodding.

Sighing heavily, Nate closes his eyes and a small smile reaches his lips. “Then I would really like to sleep with you right now.”

Brad snorts, smirking. He doesn’t know what it’ll take to get Nate to say the words again, more seriously and in a sexy fun way, but for now, it’s enough.

pairing: brad x nate, character: brad colbert, fandom: generation kill, pairing: ray x walt, !fanfiction, genre: au/ar, type: pre-slash, character: ray person, word count: 100 - 499, genre: friendship/family, character: nate fick, character: walt hasser, rating: pg13, type: slash, genre: fluff

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