SPN, In Which Castiel is miserable, 1/1, PG, Sam/Castiel

Jun 27, 2010 23:16

Title: In which Castiel is miserable
Author: sephirothflame 
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Sam Winchester/Castiel, Dean Winchester - mentions Dean Winchester/Lisa Braeden, Ben Braeden
Warning(s): Schmoop, established relationship
Spoiler(s): None, really
Prompt(s): schmoop_bingo , summer holiday/festival (table)
Word Count: 728
Rants: So this is technically a sequel to "In which Sam misleads Castiel" that Lisa asked for, but can be read as a stand alone. This belongs in my " S is for Summer" series, which will be entirely schmoop. :D
Summary: Castiel isn't a fan of going to the beach if it means he has to wear ugly swim shorts and flip flops.
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural and I never will.
Crossposted to: Myff.net, supernaturalfic  and sam_castiel

“Are you okay there, Cas?” Dean asked with a wicked grin on his face. He bit back a laugh as he watched Castiel stumble again, flailing his arms and grabbing onto Sam to steady himself.

“I do not understand the point of these flip flops,” Castiel replied, glaring down at the offending black flip flops. “They are impossible to walk in.”

“It just takes some time to get used to,” Sam said sympathetically, clasping Castiel’s upper arm tightly for a moment before letting him go. “Besides, you can’t wear your other shoes with swim shorts.”

“Why not?” Castiel asked, practically pouting. “I am at least capable of walking in those.”

“You’ll look like even more of a tool,” Dean grinned, clapping Castiel on the back roughly. “Now if you’re done tripping over your feet, Lisa and Ben have found us a spot on the beach.”

“Go on ahead, Dean,” Sam said, rolling his eyes. “Cas and I will catch up.”

“Fine, I’m cool with that,” Dean replied, shrugging. He hesitated for a second, narrowing his eyes in suspicion. “No making out or I won’t let you light fireworks with me.”

“Like you’re one to talk,” Sam scoffed, making a face. Dean waggled his eyebrows suggestively, laughing loudly. “Go away, Dean.”

Dean obeyed, still grinning wildly, hands shoved into the pockets of his own black and gray board shorts. Castiel and Sam watched him go before Castiel sighed heavily.

“You okay, Cas?” Sam asked, turning his attention back to the angel. Licking his lips, he had to force his hands to remain at his side. Castiel’s God-awful swim shorts did little to detract from his beauty.

“I do not understand the point of this excursion,” Castiel replied, fidgeting with the strings on his shorts. “I cannot walk in these flip flops, you and your brother keep mocking my shorts and I do not understand what we are celebrating.”

Sam sighed heavily and linked his fingers with Castiel’s, tugging him in the direction Dean had gone. “One, I’m sorry about the flip flops. Next time we’ll get you sandals.” Sam said, sparing a look at Castiel, but the angel didn’t appear comforted. “Two, I’m sorry about the shorts. Dean’s a douche bag.”

“You say that as if I am not aware of the fact,” Castiel muttered darkly and Sam smiled thinly.

“Fair enough,” Sam laughed, squeezing Castiel’s hand tightly in his own. “Thirdly, we’re celebrating the 4th of July, Cas. Independence Day. It’s kind of a big deal.”

“I see,” Castiel said slowly, nodding his head. “Independence is an important thing. I understand why you would celebrate it.”

“Well, we’re not celebrating our independence,” Sam replied, frowning. “Well, I mean, Dean and me specifically. As America we are. It’s the country’s independence from British oppression.”

“I do know something about history,” Castiel said wryly, his lips in a thin smile as he looked up at Sam. “I used to be an archivist before the impending apocalypse.”

“You what? Really?” Sam asked, blinking in confusion. “I didn’t know that.”

“I would be surprised if you had, considering I have never mentioned it,” Castiel replied simply, offering no more on the subject. “Independence is something to be celebrated. I can understand why this is important to Dean.”

“This is important to Dean because it’s his first real holiday with Lisa,” Sam said and Castiel furrowed his brow in confusion as he glanced at Sam. “It’s something people do - friends, family, couples. Celebrate I mean. It’s important to spend time together. It’s kind of a big deal.”

“Is it important that we are spending the day together? Celebrating your Independence Day?” Castiel asked. Squeezing Sam’s hand, he stopped walking and Sam was forced to still and face him. “We are together. That makes this a big deal, does it not?”

“Yeah, Cas, I guess it does,” Sam said. He brought a hand up to caress Castiel’s cheek with his thumb, not caring who was watching as he leaned down to kiss him. Castiel made a pleased sound, letting go of Sam’s hand to clutch his shoulders as he responded to the kiss. They both sighed heavily when Sam pulled away, foreheads resting together. “We should hurry up and find Dean and Lisa.”

“They can wait,” Castiel huffed, leaning up to press his lips against Sam’s again. Sam was very much inclined to agree.

word count: 500 - 999, prompts: lisa makes me do bad things, pairing: dean x lisa, verse: s is for summer, genre: au/ar, character: dean winchester, character: castiel (angel of thursday), pairing: castiel x sam, genre: fluff, fandom: supernatural, prompts: schmoop_bingo, !fanfiction, character: sam winchester, type: slash, rating: pg, genre: holiday

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