Title: Luckiest Loser
Part Six: Wherein Eames says 'yes'
sephirothflameRating: G
Fandom: Law & Order CI
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Lewis, Alex Eames, Lewis x Alex Eames
25_crimes, "11. New York Minute",
TableWarning(s): None
Word Count: 211
Rants: So this is the final part for Luckiest Loser. To be continued with "Smoothie King" which, I should get around to posting pretty soon. ♥
Disclaimer: Law & Order is still not mine.
Part One:
Wherein Lewis waits for BobbyPart Two:
Wherein Bobby and Lewis order pizzaPart Three:
Wherein Lewis confesses to Bobby why he's therePart Four:
Wherein Lewis wants to ask Eames on a datePart Five:
Wherein Bobby gives Lewis his permission Part Six: Wherein Eames says 'yes'
“Hey, Lewis,” Alex said, “Bobby ran off to the library. He probably won't be back for a while.”
Lewis glanced up sharply from his spot behind Bobby's desk, letting his feet fall to the floor with a heavy thump. “Oh, bummer.”
“No kidding,” Alex replied, “He's left me to do all the paperwork.”
She smiled at Lewis, who grinned widely in return. “Actually, I kind of wanted to talk to you, Detective Alex.”
“Since Bobby isn't around, Alex is just fine,” she replied. She sat down and leaned back in her chair, folding her arms over her chest. “What can I help you with?”
“I was wondering if you'd like to go to dinner with me tonight?” Lewis asked, leaning forward eagerly, a grin on his face.
“Where to?” Alex asked, quirking an eyebrow.
“I know this Italian restaurant that'll make Olive Garden cry like a baby,” Lewis replied.
“Then I'd love to,” Alex replied, smiling. “Nothing makes my day better than watch a restaurant chain burst into tears.” she teased.
“Sweet,” Lewis grinned again. “See you at, oh, Eight?”
“I'll give you my address,” Alex replied, smiling as well as she searched for a pen.
To Be Continued in:
Smoothie King.