Title: His "Happily Ever After"
sephirothflameRating: G
Fandom: Law & Order CI
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Bobby Goren, (Mention of Alex Eames), one-sided Bobby Goren x Alex Eames
lawandorder100, "Season One Mothership Episodes", "Happily Ever After"
Warning(s): None.
Word Count: 100.
Rants: I must have rewrote this one twenty times. Stupid, stupid me.
Disclaimer: For the last time, Law & Order is not mine. Dick Wolf isn't afraid of Death Threats. Apparently, all the other fangirls have been trying it, too.
Technically, a "sequel" to
Only Human.
His "Happily Ever After"
Eames had never been so wrong in the entirety of the time Goren had known her. He had noticed her. He had always noticed her. It was hard not to. There was something about her. She didn't actually light up the room and her smile didn't make all his fears go away. But looking at her - looking into her eyes - he felt that maybe, maybe, when he got brave enough to ask, something he'd been trying to do for what felt like eons - she could be his demented, dysfunctional version of “Happily Ever After”. He knew he could be hers.