B-Pass 2010.07 TORU Q&A

Jul 24, 2010 21:41

Thing that you do like an otaku.
Honestly, I don’t have a thing like that. Well, if we speak about obsession I could say it’s music software called Garage Band. But I’ve been using it since Junior High School, even now I’m doing demos on it. I’m very used to it.

Recently watched movie or TV show which you found interesting.
With no doubt it was Anvil! The story of Anvil. It was hot, ne. When it comes to being part of a band, there's a degree of response in being a "musical idiot." The scene where vocalist was arguing with drummer was cool! When I was done with the movie I looked at this scene once again (laugh)! I cried when I saw it.

Book, manga or game which you enjoyed lately.
I’m totally not interested in them. But recently, Tomoya and Ryota were saying “Let’s play together” so they convinced me to purchase Everybody’s Golf. And then [they said] “Give me cash” and I was like “But wait! I want to practice first!”. It wasn’t my first time though. From now I want to participate in contests with everyone.(1)

Concert/live that moved you deeply lately.
I was impacted by metal band called “UNITED”. The other day I went to see “PTP - Pay money To my Pain” in Shibuya AX. They are veterans, very skillful ones. I could see it from the force of shout, it had so much power. Vocalist is so tall, something around 190cm! And MC was interesting. He looked like an ordinary foreigner but then suddenly he started to speak in fluent Japanese (laugh). Everyone burst into laughter!

Artist or song that you recently listen to.
I haven’t bought any CDs lately… TRUST COMPANY songs. It’s a mixture [of various genres] but melody is catchy. Speaking for myself, I don’t think I’m gonna get into emo genre.(2)

Food that you eat on and on.
Basically, I really enjoy pork meat. I eat it very frequently. One of my favorites is pork’s arm*** but if you eat too much your stomach gets heavy (laugh). Sirloin is the thing I like too. For example Butashabu or Shougayaki (3) are my standard dishes. There’s also avocado. I like having it with soy sauce while drinking alcohol.

Things that are essential while on tour.
iPod is the thing you can’t forget. If it happens, I will be very unhappy. You know, on tour you spend a lot of time in the car. The second thing is Isodine (4). Usually I have a lot of bottles with me, for example face lotions. A lot of face care products, ne. Pointlessly I’m carrying a lot of T-shirts with me on tour. I don't like having much sweat on my t-shirts, so it seems like I tend to bring lots of them.

Your jinx.
In the past there were some, but right now it seems like I have none. Oh, there were a lot of them actually. Let’s say switching on the mic. In the past I practically always had the doubt whether I should use it or not. I thought that if I will use it maybe live won’t be a success? Recently I forgot about it. But still, it was strange (5).

Rainy season is about to begin, so please tell us your ideas for spending a rainy day.
Better if it’s not (laugh). On rainy days, better don’t leave house ne. Watch a movie, listen to music. Well, aren’t all electrical appliances good?

Thing that you drink very often.
Beer. Asahi Super Dry or Premium Malts are the ones that I usually have.

What do you want to eat this evening?
What?! Oh, it’s evening (laugh). My stomach feels heavy so I’m feeling like eating nikujaga (7).

Challenge you want to be up to this year.
When we’re on the tour my own challenge is to do my best everyday.

(1) For me it’s like they were playing for money and his bandmates wanted to make him pay without trying out the game first.
(2) I’m not certain about this sentence, but I guess all ‘emo allergic’ people don’t have to worry about Toru ^^.
(3) Butashabu is kind of Shabushabu - thinly sliced pork meat served various sauces. Shougayaki is pork fried with ginger.
(4) Seems like some Japanese medicine against influenza.
(5) Gosh, Toru is really the hardest one to translate. Actually this might be something completely different because 付ける has several different meanings… Sorry.
(6) Beef and potato stew with onion and vegetables.

Thanks to piratochu for the scans.

magazine, toru, interview, b-pass

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