moving + feminism

May 11, 2010 10:32

Everyday I get a little itty bit closer to being packed up and out of here! YAY! Our new place is going to be so rad. It might even be the first place I've rented that I'm actually going to be PROUD to have people over. Most of the places I have rented have been dingy or way to small. I love this apartment now, but it has always been so CRAMMED FULL of my little collections and nicknacks, I'm not sure it has ever been comfortable. I'm going to take so many pictures of the new place!

I recently wrote another blog post (yes, I update my blog semi-regularly, but surprisingly not as often as I update livejournal), and this one is personal to me. I actually revealed, *GASP* personal information about myself and then talked about *BIGGER GASP* something I believe in!

I'm not sure why I'm afraid of backlash. People have all sorts of different beliefs, I suppose.

Anyway, this one is about Feminism, tradition, and strong women who rise to the challenge of accepting both in their lives. I thought it was pretty moving.

It is here if you want to check it out



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