Just fucking WOW.
If I had known how the clan actually runs...
My father is badmouthing me to the clan, I know this. As is my sister, most likely my uncle has said a few words too.
I never, EVER thought I would leave CAA. I didn't care if I was just a fucking thief, I would've stayed there forever. But now, I leave because of actual reasons, because my human is being messed with beyond capacity with all the shit being flung on and around her in the fucking city, and I am entirely degraded.
Why the fuck would I care about another clan? I have no reason to. I was in the city two years before I learned of CAA, I don't see why I can't live without them.
I would never believe you would treat me like this. COULD treat me like this, even. I did absolutely nothing against the clan, nothing at ALL. I left for Vicky.
****ADDITION: for the foolish****
http://www.livejournal.com/users/tejasdragon/16445.html daughter left the clan for feeling like she wasnt in the inner circle. she didnt like not being included in everything. she threw a temper tantrum and left. period.
she cant seem to realize that her leaving because a higher officer put her in her place shows that she cant be trusted and that she is disrespectful.watch out other clans for she will attempt to join and will attempt to spy on you all for she will think she can save face with clan aa by attempting to spy on others. clan aa will go on. once again the drama queen has left. first avigon,then hesu and now vic. oh well.
Tell me how this isn't badmouthing, M/Mme/Mlle Anonymus?