Sanox is back!

Jun 26, 2014 17:24

I'm up and alive!
Hi~ Did anyone miss me? No? lol k....
Just to clarify, what i meant by i'm back, is i'm back to livejournal to share my fics.
Now, sorry to say but i'm not writing Jpop fics anymore....
I'm kind of over it already? Something like that but it still saddens me because my first ever fic, was a jpop fic... RyoDa to be exact ><
Surely gonna miss them....
But even though i'm out of the fandom doesn't mean occasionally i don't checked up on them or read a few fics^^
I first wrote a fic was in 2009....
Now it's 2014 already.... How time flies :/
Well, for those who actually liked my writing or a fan of Kpop, well, then you can expect fics from me^^
But all my fics are yaoi and that definitely wont change although if you were a former reader of mine then you'll fine that it's gotten a lot more high rated hahahaha.

Well, i'll be posting my new fics here, my new community for my kpop fics.

I think that's all but a few more things,

1. I probably won't continue my jpop fics, here, anymore but if you give me a solid enough request or it's a fic i owe you then tell me then i'll probably continue/write it ><

2. Whoever wishes to talk/find me you can do so at

3. It was fun being 'Sanox', it was my jpop era and now i've become 'Izzah Sanox' (So different right? Wow lol /smack head) where it's my newer and older self? Idk... how to tell this but just.... sanox is dead, and Izzah Sanox as risen, it's just me being me but i'm carrying the 'sanox' so i wont forget who i was.. yeah...

Well, i think that's all from me... Just thank you to those who have supported me an i'm sorry to let you down like this ;u; Hope you have the heart to forgive me.
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