
Apr 08, 2012 13:20

I have fuckelse to do so here I am.

Been working like a crazy bitch on my visual novel.  Still trying to decide on a name for it.  What I have now is nice, but completely irrelevant.  I'm a sweet bitch for Latin, though, despite only knowing a few phrases.  On that note, I might make the titles of the acts and shit like that in Latin.  Or just call them Act 1.1 for act one, chapter one.  Probably that last one.

Definitely that last one, though.

I have an idea of what I'd like to do for those chapter ending cards, too.  BG would depend on the path you're taking, probably just a "cutscene" grab from the highlight, have a scoreboard at the bottom for certain things kinda like Resident Evil 4's chapter completion things.  I don't know what I could be scoring you for...definitely not completion.  Relationships don't start until later in the game.  Maybe I'll just have an elapsed time thing instead?

Ahhh...I shouldn't be making this so long.  It's a personal project, but it's not a big deal, and I'd be horribly mortified if anyone outside of people I trust on dA or otherwise got their hands on it.  It's pretty much a wasted effort, but it's fun.  I guess in that regard it's not really wasted at all.  Sure feels like it, though.  Oh well.  It's a good way to kill time and a good conversation piece, too, kind of.

I want to take a shower like crazy right now.  You don't understand.  It's horrible how gross I feel.  I have to go to Walmart and the library today, and at this rate I'm not going to be able to do either.  It figures that the one day I actually look forward to bathing I can't because the water's off.  I hope it'll come back on soon.

Ah...today's Sunday isn't it?  What a shame.  Tyler had spring break this week and we didn't do much of anything.  No one did.  I went to Starbucks with Mom twice and got some coffee (delicious, delicious caramel machiatto) and grocery shopped with her, but that's about it.  I also got Mom to lop off about five inches of my hair.  Think I might go even shorter than this,but not too much.  At the most two more inches.  Mom said I could get my hair cut today at a salon instead of at home, but I don't know if I'd want to do that.  I like it the way it is right now.  When I brush it over it looks layered, even though it's not.  It's just too short to go all the way over my head.

yeah i do a combover thing

I want to draw more things, but I'm at a loss as to what things I should draw.  I have some ideas, but I have no good references.  Hopefully I'll find some soonish.

Ever since I started wearing fake nails, my real ones have been growing out.  They're at an acceptable length now and they're super cute.  I'm really happy about that.  Well, I kind of keep chewing on them, never biting them off, though.  I made the mistake of eating off my left pinky nail, but the rest are still intact.  My hands are so cute and ladylike now without the bulky fake nails and my own nails growing in.  I'm really happy!!

On another note of being happy, Mom flashed an old picture of me from highschool at me and I wanted to like puke.  I was really big.  I never even noticed it back then, but god, I was huge.  I think I can happily say I'm nowhere near that size anymore.  It just doesn't feel like much has changed because my weight loss has stopped, but if I think about it, it's not hard to believe.  I fit into size 16 pants instead of 22s.  (16s are a tight fit, though...18s are better.)  My shirts aren't constricting my arms.  My face isn't a circle.  It's more of a square now.  I'd say I'm happy, but I'm not.  I need to exercise.  Of course, having no one to exercise with, I feel paranoid that invisible people are laughing at me and I just suddenly stop.  If I tell this to Mom, I need to get over it.  If only it were that fucking easy.

Oh well, I don't want this to spiral out of control into whining.

What else can I talk about?

IDK.  I still have nothing else to do.  I'll probably play New Vegas a little bit, but I don't know about that.  Might make a new game, might opt for an independent New Vegas with Mr. House, but that would mean I'd have to eliminate the Brotherhood of Steel...but do I even like them?  That's my brother talking for me.  I have no real ties to them.  Like, what do I care?  Sure, in FO3 they had a pretty big influence, but I hardly remember that game as it is.  A shame you can't just talk House out of that, though.  Seems unlike him that he'd want someone dead so badly.  Guess it doesn't matter.  I'd just do the Brotherhood's quests first.  The only thing about not siding with NCR is that Boone won't like you.  Boone is all over NCR's nuts, and I am all over Boone's nuts.  By proxy, this means I'm all over the NCR's nuts, too.  Oh I guess it doesn't matter, Boone's only the most useful companion in the game.  Especially with this new darker nights mod I downloaded, holy shit.  His spotter perk makes enemies light up red, and even in the pitch blackness they're easy to see.  On the flip side, if you decide to brave some Deathclaw-infested fields and a secret place I just downloaded, you can get T-51b armor or Enclave power armor, and the helmets have heat vision, which is essentially the same thing.  Runs on energy cells, though, but that's not a big deal to me.  For one, I don't use those at all, and I barely even notice them draining.

Think I might as well just run off and play that now.  I don't have anything else to do, and I don't have anything else to write about. Good bye ~~
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